Did bungie get rid of the banning in reach?Also grenade launcher, sucks

Discussion in 'Gamer's Heartbeat' started by 4Cave2man0, Oct 14, 2010.

  1. The grenade launcher was where it was at for the beta but they nerfed it. They made the needler more powerful.

    But did bungie get rid of the banning for quitting out?

    Sometimes I get teams that just all quit out, some kill eachother...so I quit out and too often you'd catch a 10 minute (game) ban..

    but I quit out a fuck ton last night and didn't get banned or a warning..

    I wonder if mad people complained and bungie got rid of it
  2. I still get banned for quitting. It's lame shit cause my roommate will quit so much, then I quit one game and I get a 10 minute ban. The grenade launcher is still in some maps, but it's kinda shitty.
  3. the grenades bounce too far out of the launcher, makes it hard to kill someone with just 1
  4. it explodes when you let go of the trigger man it's timed
    but the bounce is mad dumb

  5. im confused, the grenade launcher or the plasma launcher

  6. grenade launcher i said LOL how baked are you

  7. well it sounded more like the plasma launcher because i dont get what u mean by letting go of the trigger makes it blow up .. ?

    and im not stoned at all thats the problem
  8. yes you still can get banned and the grenade launcher is a 1 hit kill if you know what you are doing. one of the best weapons imo
  9. Shoot the nade launcher and hold down the RT. The grenade wont explode until you release RT which makes it easy cakes to hit people with it

    The bounce is awesome and extremely easy to work with. Dont complain about the nade launcher man it is one of the more unique weapons in reach and is very good

  10. god damn i didn't know that.. theres so many times i watched the grenade bounce by and explode past them and go $*#&!
  11. #11 Jdahms, Oct 14, 2010
    Last edited by a moderator: Oct 14, 2010
    Yeah man take some time and learn the nade launcher well it'll become your best friend. Takes some finesse but ice you get the hang of it you'll wreck people with it

    The trick is you HAVE to kill them with your first shot if they are shooting at you or you're fucked unless you're in melee range. Takes too long to reload if you are being shot at
  12. They ban you for quitting out early?? Fuck that.

    If you get in a lobby with a cheater, and you quit, you gotta wait 10 minutes to join another game?? Thats bullshit.

  13. you cant cheat at halo...

    and yeah know why? because so you don't get in a game then the whole team quits out so you don't wind up getting stuck 1 v 4....

    They got rid of it tho I quit out alot today because i got such bad lag phamas knows what I'm talking about
  14. People will always quit. So if you DO get stuck in a 1 v 4 or a really laggy game, you gotta wait 10 minutes to play?? Thats bullshit. Just make it so you get a loss and don't keep any xp like every other game.

  15. it only happened if you quit like 10 times in an hour or something

    and it was 10 min I only got banend once wasn't long man...
  16. Yeah you have to quit a lot to get the ban. They send you a warning before they van you too. It's a good thigh that discourages quitting just because your team is sucking. Quitter are just as bad as hackers
  17. Ah ok that makes sense.
  18. if they are going to ban you for quitting out of a match then they should separate team swat and other dumb modes out of slayer. until then, I will quit repeatedly because people think its so awesome to play swat on some of the biggest maps. Makes for a really slow, boring game. If I wanted COD style gameplay I would go play that shitfest.

    Oh and now instead of quitting in game, people just exit to their dashboard from the map voting screen. I too have gotten accustomed to this because people always pick snipers or swat, the two dumbest slow paced shitfests ever.
  19. Swat already had its own playlist they did it a week ago or 2
  20. cool sounds great, now I can start playing again :D

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