Did aliens create us?

Discussion in 'General' started by mydaddyatemyeye, Apr 3, 2012.

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  1. this all started with a conversation that me and my friend started when he told me that he isn't sure if aliens would exist. I told him since the universe is constantly expanding and that there's already proven planets that sustain life light years away that the question of aliens is just nonexistent today. you almost gotta assume aliens exist because space is just so vast.

    then, it went deeper when another one of my friends proposes a theory that aliens helped the human race advance further than any of Earth's other natural animals. that aliens visited us a long time ago and somehow did something to affect our intelligence or thought process. perhaps gene splicing? who knows.

    first, we got to look at all the existing proof of aliens in the past visiting us. look at all the old paintings, cave art, even hieroglyphics that depict images resembling alien spaceships and ancient astronauts. google that yourself because that alone would be another thread by itself.

    we, as an animal species, evolve faster than any other animal on the planet. from fucking stone tools to building huge stone monuments and pyramids that it would take years for us to do even this day in age. you could even say that perhaps the aliens helped the ancient cultures of Earth (like the Mayans, Inca, etc). what's the explanation of how your brain capacity and development can just evolve like that?

    I mean really, how can humans just keep going but every other animal is left behind? dogs, we've had them since we were cavemen. the crocodile, those bastards were around since fucking dinosaurs, man. neither of them have changed, yet humans did.

    if you believe that humans came from monkeys, then why do monkeys still exist today? and why did we lose our fur? the theory of adaptation says that it would have happened in order for us to survive, but why would we lose our fur and then have to hunt animals to make clothes because we're cold? doesn't make sense. perhaps our genes were altered artificially. after all, there's still a missing link.

    this one might test some people's faith, but think about the story of Jesus and how he was born. an angel came to virgin Mary saying God was going to bless her with a child, and nine months later, she had a child. now science can't explain that now, but if you think of it like this. what if that angel was just a visitor, saying that their "God" was going to grant her with a child. she's a virgin, so how do you get a baby without having sex? artificial insemination. Jesus Christ was genetically altered and then put into the virgin Mary. bom bom bom.

    I could go on and add along more theories of how even the possibility that it could have been aliens who came and brought religion to Earth. I mean who would be smart enough back in the old days to come up with such amazing stories and concepts such as religion and magic supernatural powers? just WHAT IF we are just one big science experiment to extraterrestrials?

    look at us as an ant colony, and the aliens as humans. not in terms of size, but in terms of how intellectual they truly are. they would literally be gods compared to us.

    now, if you read all that then I want you to release your input and thoughts. and answer this question: if it was true that aliens did have a hand in creating humans as they are today, what would you do if they came back and revealed themselves to the world as our co-creators?
  2. Scorpions are extremely old, but still here, same foes with many old animals.

    I also have a theory that hallucinogens played a part in expanding primitive mans brain.

    Caveman could of accidentally ingested the 'cool' kind and who knows what he saw, could explain the sudden art and whatnot.
  3. Of course not, god did silly!

    Hahahahaahahahahahahaha psych
  4. i honestly believe they had more to do with our creation than one almighty "god"..
  5. I don't think they created us..

    But I defiantly think we've been visited in the past.

    I think we were initially discovered and assisted in the time when humans went from being nomads to not.


    Every Social, Emotional, and mental revolutions humans have gone through we're assissted by aliens (opinion)

    Shit like umm whatcha am call it..

    Infrared? Naw.. Ummm.. I forget the word I'm looking for but i think that humans really didn't start creating shit/advancing on our own till BC times.

    Just my opinion. There's just some things that don't make sense on earth.

    Stonehenge? Those blocks would've been impossible to move with primitive tools. Then why? Ya know?

    Idk there's to much unexplained shit.

    Who knows. Maybe we are just some alien test planet or some shit.

    I mean does time move the same for the aliens?

    Idk. Lots of questions when it comes to aliens.
  6. That's an interesting theory, but I still can't really believe it. I believe aliens exist, just I don't believe we've ever had contact with them, ever.

    What if we're the most advanced beings in the universe? :hippie:
  7. #8 Sir smoke a bit, Apr 3, 2012
    Last edited by a moderator: Apr 3, 2012

    Seriously though, it's crazy to think about. And then when you do think about it, it just raises even more questions.
  8. I created you.
  9. OP check out the ancient aliens series that the history channel showed, you would really dig it.
  10. After watching the fourth kind, I'm convinced that learning too much about aliens will get me killed/abducted.
  11. This rock has the same area as a rock in Egypt... Now I'm not saying it's aliens but... It's aliens.

    Ancient aliens in a Nut shell
  12. As much as I believe in aliens I don't think they had anything to do with us in ancient times. I doubt there are any nearby life forms that have the intelligence to be able to create spaceships that can explore galaxies. Even if there are they're probably on the other side of the universe.
  13. #15 rain dancer, Apr 3, 2012
    Last edited: Apr 3, 2012
    I honestly believe some intelligent form of life (maybe us) advanced to a point we destroyed ourselves once already, maybe more. The ice age could have been a response to some sort of nuclear catastrophe.

    My reasons behind this are these: i have degrees in world history and see proof all around of forgotten, lost, ancient civilizations that mysteriously vanished around certain periods of time. On top of that, certain technologies that existed have been lost. We find underwater cities and abandoned cities all the time that predate our current theories by thousands of years. When scientists who support theories that conflict with the main stream ideology do so, they commit career suicide and their ideas or methods of obtaining data are scoffed, which is typical of human beings. Also, human beings are notoriously forgetful.

    Watch the history of the toilet. It was almost perfected by the romans, then forgotten about for 2000 years until it was rediscovered. It only takes 2-3 generations for a group of wanderers to lose their past. Hell, 99 percent of the world cant tell you a damn thing about their great great ancestors. Look up Gobleki tepi. That one find alone raises waay more questions than even science or religion can try to explain. These are purposely buried temples with roman like architecture that predates rome by thousands of years. Hell, these temples predate societies.

    Göbekli Tepe - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

    Too many questions, not enough answers.

  14. maybe we are the result of the nuclear radiation after the the ice age and we are in fact aliens that became primitive animals.

    everything is aliens.
  15. #17 Continuum, Apr 3, 2012
    Last edited by a moderator: Apr 3, 2012
    I can't touch the religious stuff, but here's some food for thought:

    This is where you went wrong. Human beings didn't evolve faster, and are not 'more evolved' than anything else on the planet. We happened to evolve a specific trait that made us very adaptable to a variety of environments, so much to the point that we can survive in many environments (not all of them mind you, see; volcanoes, the arctic, extremely high altitudes, high pressure, and underwater.) But those are adaptations due to a single trait, not biological evolution. It was chance and good fortune for us. There is also a hypothesis I've heard that the reason our brains, and thusly our intellect, was able to surpass that of other animals was because of how our jaw muscles eventually migrated from the tops of our heads down to the middle (near your temples), and this allowed our cranial cavity to expand more and give us larger brains. If that holds, it really is just good fortune.)

    Monkeys that exist today aren't the monkeys that we evolved from. They are our distant cousins. They and us were at one time the same thing. The single population of apes was split, and one branch evolved to become other kinds of apes, and we evolved alongside of them to become humans.

    There are several theories on why humans lost their fur, and there isn't a consensus as to which one is most likely to be true. A few I've heard are as follows: It became advantageous for us to be naked as ancient humans spread into desert areas, where more hair made them overheat. Another is that ancient humans lived and hunted in shallow waters, where having fur offers no insulation or benefit. Another is that fur is a prime target for disease-carrying insects and pests, and humans with less fur attracted and carried less of the parasitic insects, and more often survived and reproduced.

    I wouldn't be so quick to downplay the intelligence of lesser intelligent creatures. It's recently been found that bees self-medicate themselves and their home, if they have problems with a certain fungus that can kill them and their young. They collect a certain type of pollen that protects against the fungus, coat their bodies in it as well as their hives. If humans were not here, my guess is that whichever species survived between dolphins, ants, bees and scorpions would go on to become the dominant species on the planet. I just read back on what I quoted you saying this, and I realize you aren't downplaying the intelligence of other creatures. But I'm not erasing it because I think it's cool.

    My thing about aliens is this: If they are intelligent enough to have mastered extra-stellar travel, they will most certainly be intelligent enough to hide their existences from our primitive sense and equipment. If they have been here and didn't want to be seen, they wouldn't be.
  16. Who the fuck knows?
  17. It hasn't been proven, only assumed. To me, it is impossible that there isn't life out there, but we barely even made it out of our solar system. It'll be 70,000 years until Voyager 1 will reach the nearest star.

    We're able to use our hands for just about anything we want. We can manipulate and experience more. The more a species experiences, the more intelligent it becomes. Once we learned to use tools, it was on. Other species have learned tool use as well, but are limited by how far they can take it, limiting their experiences.

    We also have slave/labor laws..

    Again, experience. They don't have the body form to change too much and get out of the norm they've experienced for generations. A crocodile isn't going to want to leave the water, dogs just need to bark and whimper to get food.

    There is also contentment to me. If a species is fine where it's at, it'll basically stay the same. Lets use horseshoe crabs. Now I know this isn't right as I am just pulling names out of my ass, but say evolution went horseshoe crabs, king crabs, bay crabs, and fiddler crabs.

    A group of horseshoe crabs is chilling, a sect breaks off. Maybe they were running out of food, evolved in kings. There are still horseshoes.. A group of kings broke off and evolved into bay crabs. Still horseshoes and kings around. Some bays wander off and evolved in to fiddlers. And again, still horseshoes, kings, and bays alive.

    Not only that, year after year, mini groups can break off and follow the same path as before. Evolution is ever changing and a constant factor..

    Kind of the same example as above. Once we started to take over, they kept to the forest. They came out, they got killed. It's nature, the strong survive. One of the strengths was staying the fuck away from us. They have intelligence too, but what can they experience? Picking some fruit, hunting the same animals over and over, not a lot of new things that need processed..

    And as for the missing link, my thoughts on it are that the species that was the "missing link" was more capable and more aware of the dangers of being lower in the evolution line and avoided us with intelligence. Not that I know if there are bigfoots out there or not, but it wouldn't surprise me. They'd have the intelligence to know how to avoid us, they would of had to been doing it for years and years.


    I'm a firm believer in other life existing in this universe, but there's a lot of bullshit on both sides of the argument that you need to sift through.

  18. ^This in bold

    and Thank you for giving him the lesson in evolution. I was getting ready to write a wall of text, but you definitely worded it better than I would have.
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