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Did a weed pickup with my lawyer

Discussion in 'Apprentice Marijuana Consumption' started by SativaShark, May 12, 2011.

  1. Well, he isn't really my lawyer because I don't have him on retainer, except I kind of do because he's my friend. :D

    Anyway, we went out the other night and one of the stops we made was so I could get some weed from my guy. I didn't tell Lawyer Friend, but I think he might have guessed.

    After I picked up we proceeded to have a prolonged session of drinking and merriment, which I normally wouldn't do while I had weed, but since I was with a lawyer, I figured he could probably talk me out of any trouble.

    Yes, it's a cool story, bro. :cool:
  2. Lawyers cannot arrest you, and he was your friend, so whats so cool about this.
  3. But if a cop stopped you, the lawyer would be like. No in article 29.0660.b35.55 you can ride naked on a horse while singing a song about unicorns.

    Meaning the weed would be safe.
  4. #4 ChucklesT, May 12, 2011
    Last edited by a moderator: Mar 15, 2016
    XD win!
  5. Haha thats awesome I need to get me one of them
  6. Doubtful.
  7. You're gonna start a trend of sycophant lawyers for hire that just follow you around and get you out of trouble. There is definitely a market for this service.
  8. Haha, they would be called Legal Body Guards. That would be the day I either move to norway, Or far more likely due to funds, grab a tent and go live in the woods becouse I would of officially givin' up on this country. People are so quick to throw others in Jail, and others are so quick to sue people over the stupidist shit.
  9. chances are a lawyer would ensure a traffic stop go much more in favor of the driver...

    the cop wouldnt be able to run his usual tactics to get you to consent to a search, etc as the lawyer knows the in's and out's of this type of shit.

    lawyer friend is a great thing to i need one.
  10. Reminds me of Fear and Loathing.....
  11. gotta get on this . my uncle is a lawyer .
  12. #12 burtontoker, May 12, 2011
    Last edited by a moderator: May 12, 2011
    Lawyers get drunk. Alcohol is worse for you than cannabis. What's he gonna say? "wow you bought some weed thats so horrible." Considering weed is a safer drug...

  13. 2 things:

    1. A lawyer in the car will only piss off a cop, a smart attorney would claim the 5th and shut it.
    2. What is a bus load of lawyers on the bottom of the ocean? Answer- a good start.
  14. Does it make a difference that I'm my own lawyer and cop? I have consent feuds with my self and I can never win a conversation.

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