I took a walk to go to the bank and withdraw some money. Bank wasn't open until 11am because of the snow... I decided to go to CVS Pharmacy and pick up a drink. No Mountain Dew Voltage, the blue kind. Picked the Code Red one, not that tasty.. As I was leaving I saw an old guy, maybe in his late 60s early 70s, no clue really. He was stuck in the snow bank, not really that big, he was just having trouble. He had his hand out to me and so I took out my ipod and put my drink down and helped him out. He said he was very thankful for me. I was said it was no big deal. tl;dr Went to bank, closed due to snow. Went to CVS, didn't have drink I wanted, picked the bad one. Helped old guy get over snow bank.
I woke up today; still half asleep. Once I rolled out of bed, my roommate asked if I had done the dishes. I told her "Nah", placed a single cup in the dishwasher and said "done". I done a good deed today.
I woke up and filed my taxes and took all my taxes back from the government. I will use my returns to support the economy and buy some weed. I did a good deed today
I helped shovel my neighbor's steps and sidewalk and to get her car out today- we had all that thundersnow last night it was awesome!
One time in college I was walking to school through the parking lot and i started to hear this noise.. At first I thought it was a dying animal maybe, some kind of yelp. I took a look around and there was this lady, let's say around the 300lb mark down, on the ground. She was beside her car, her bags contents were all over the concrete and her car keys were about 5 feet away from her. I sped over to her and helped her pick up her things. I went to help her get up, but she said "No". Instead she used her car as leverage and basically climbed it to get back on her feet. I asked her if she was good and she replied something like "yes, i am, well everything except for my dignity" it was a while ago and I can't remember the exact words, but, I did a good deed that day