Dick Move by friend while I'm tripping

Discussion in 'Real Life Stories' started by hushkush, Oct 12, 2009.

  1. Me and a friend drop acid. I take 3, he takes 2. Really fire doses. and anyways our non-tripping friend decides to watch scary move while we were peaking AH!!
  2. super cool story man
  3. lol when you capitalized 'Move', I thought you meant there was a guy named 'Dick Move' which i guess would have been appriopriate for his actions
  4. rofll
  5. Hows that a dick move? You could have easily not watched tv with him... He's probably bored as fuck listening to you guys trip out while hes just sittin there. Not saying you did anything wrong, but I dont think him trying to keep himself occupied is really a "dick move".

  6. wasnt that a parody? thats not scary.
  7. did you.....died?
  8. yea...hows that a dick move?
  9. i bet that'd be freaky if you were tripping balls.
  10. Cool story bro.

  11. Should I?...........................................nah :cool:
  12. [​IMG]

  13. when this pic rears it's ugly head, the whole thread goes to shit
  14. ^That's one of my favorite comics!
  15. that guy looks like my dad did when he was in his 30s.

  16. Once again: cool story, bro.

  17. hahahhahaha
  18. lmao that was funny
  19. You have obviously never tripped before. The surrounding environment is what creates a good trip. And when you take acid/shrooms its not the best idea to go into public/talk to sober people, well atleast for me.
  20. Wow, guys i figured for a website about drugs, that you would get a stupid comment. I was still fuckin' trippin when i wrote that, its really not that big of a deal if the thread's pointless. If you think it is, don't read it, its simple.

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