Diagnosing why my leaves are turning brown

Discussion in 'First Time Marijuana Growers' started by FirstTimeDoingThis, May 31, 2020.

  1. Hi Everyone, I've got a plant with its lower three leaves turning brown and I can't figure out why. I've got it in a 4 gallon square pail with holes drilled underneath. I usually water once a day in the morning and sunlight is good all day. I'll usually check the soils moistness by sticking my finger down two inches and its always good, not overly saturated. It seems the overall grow progress is very slow. The plant is a Northern Lights.

    This plant's sister plant also isn't growing too fast either. It isn't showing any browning, but when I compare these two Northern Lights plants to the other one in my photo in the black pot, the one in the black pot is growing twice as far. The plant in the black pot is 20:1 CBD seed strain.

    Do I need to feed my plant because of some deficiency? Soil used was new potting soil that a friend purchased for a bunch of plants and those plants are growing well.

    Let me know your thoughts.

    pic1.jpg pic2.jpg pic3.jpg pic4.jpg pic5.jpg
  2. It started at the bottom and moved up. Its mobile. You didn't mention if you have given nutes to feed it yet. I think its hungry and needs a little Nitrogen. Looks pretty good otherwise.
  3. I haven't given any nutrients to the plants yet. I figured the new soil used would provide enough nutrients to get it going. The plant in my middle pot, which is a different strain is growing a lot faster, with the same soil, so it may be that the Northern Lights aren't getting the nutrients they need from the same soil.

    Anything else I should consider?
  4. I always go on the side of less is best and let the plant tell you what it wants or what's going on with it. Start with half of whatever the recommended amount of veg feed says to give. Sort of ease into it. Watch for indicators like the tip of a leaf or two to point downward. That's a great indicator and as long as that's the only one you see from giving N, that's good. To me, this just means the plant is feeling it and has enough N for now. Give more food in about 3 waterings from now and just keep an eye on them otherwise.
  5. Any recommendation on what type of plant food I should be looking for? Would a general 4-3-7 type plant food be okay to start with, to help resolve my problem? I'll definitely start with a 50% dose.
  6. That sounds like a decent ratio.

    Stay away from time released things. There are a bunch of different nute mfrs out there, and many are great for use with cannabis. I started with Fox Farm nutes and haven't deviated so they are the ones I know well. I mainly use both their liquid trio in veg and their water soluble trio in flower.

    Liquid Trio
    FoxFarm Soil Liquid Trio Pack - FoxFarm Soil & Fertilizer Company

    Water Soluble Trio
    FoxFarm Soil Liquid Trio Pack - FoxFarm Soil & Fertilizer Company

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