Dexter Fucking Sucked.

Discussion in 'Television/Internet TV/VOD/DVD' started by IllestVillain, Jan 14, 2014.

  1. #1 IllestVillain, Jan 14, 2014
    Last edited by a moderator: Jan 15, 2014
    "This thread is full of story ruining spoilers, read at your own discretion."- JetLifeRecords
    If you have watched the entire series, this thread is for you.
    Fuck Dexter, wasted my fucking time. Yeah, its got me mad so dont even ask.
    Post all the fuck Dexter shit you want.

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  2. Fuck the ending! as soon Hannah gave poisoned them the show should have ended.
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  3. I haven't seen the ending, but this show is fucking awesome in my eyes. One of my favorites.Sent from The Gods.
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  4. I'm on the second season and it almost seems like a fucking soap opera
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  5. Oh yeah I loved the whole thing I just wanted a better ending but I can live with him running off with a gardener and living happily ever after

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    Let me ask you this.. What season are you on? I felt the same way until I saw it turn to complete shit.
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  7. [quote name="TurboGrowin" post="19336057" timestamp="1389669770"]Let me ask you this.. What season are you on? I felt the same way until I saw it turn to complete shit.[/quote]I just started 7. But I'm loving it. When you think it went downhill?Sent from The Gods.
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  8. #8 IllestVillain, Jan 14, 2014
    Last edited by a moderator: Jan 14, 2014
    Its just such bullshit! I love the fact he had the Brain Surgeon on his table and he let him fucking live!!!! The whole reason why he stayed in Miami was to kill him.
    Then he just says "fuck my son" I am going to fake my death. Id rather him be stabbed in his face 10 times in the same place then he just  "pretend to be dead"!
    Hannah is sexy as FUCK. How the hell do you give that up?
    Yo, dont mean to spoil anything for you thats why I put "if you watched the series".
    To be honest, before Rita died the writing started going to shit. What was that like 3rd season? Cant even remember lol, I am fucking steaming right now!
  10. Then Deb tries to fucking KILL DEXTER and then after like a 10 minute "counseling session", he just fucking forgives her!? Kill that bitch!!!
  11. Well apparently the ending isn't the best lol. But endings are hard to make, especially when a shows great. Ill have to wait to see. Should finish it this week.Sent from The Gods.
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  12. I watched like 3 or 4 episodes of the first season on my computer a couple years ago. It was well done, but I wasn't hooked on it liked I was sopranos ... breaking bad.. OZ.  I never had any desire to see what happened after those episodes,
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    Yeah, you didnt miss anything. I confidently say the 1st season was the best out of fucking 8 of them. Each season is like 10-12 episodes and 1hour a piece. So I literally feel like I wasted ATLEAST 84 hours of my fucking life.
  14. Oh you are so wrong. It's an awesome show

    Sent from my iPhone using Grasscity Forum
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    You gotta be kidding me man. Please state what was so awesome about it? Ill give you the run down after season 2.
    Deb: I am so emotional!
    Dexter: Calm down Deb.
    Deb: I am still a loose end!
    Dexter: Please Deb, calm down.
    Deb: So emotionall and I am morally right in all situations!!!!
    Dexter: You dont understand, please calm down.
  16. final season was one of the worst seasons of TV ever.
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    Thank you!!!
    I wanted to rip my TV off the wall an toss that shit out the window. Take my xbox and shit inside the disc tray and then toss that shit out the window also.
    No show I have watched in my entire lifetime has made me as mad as fucking Dexter has.
  18. Also when he tries to set the Brain Surgoun up (he drugs Dr. Vogel), he stands RIGHT outside the cafe and is surprised? the other serial killer notices him???
    Get the fuck outta her Micheal C. Hall. You are a good actor but how you stood for that shit is beyond me. Money is my guess.
  19. Wasn't a fan of the ending and the last season in general felt like a lot of directionless filler, but I loved the first few seasons so I guess it kind of evens out in the end :p 
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    It "kind of evens out", but it really doesn't. Seriously, I am about to go on a murderous rampage. All series long I wanted Deb to fucking die and she lives until the last episode. I dont think I have hated any fictional character more than Deb Morgan.

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