
Discussion in 'Pandora's Box' started by 420Grower420, Feb 19, 2008.

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  1. Recently I purchased some CCC\'s and Zicam, and tripped on each individually. While the Zicam is probably the best non-CCC method of dexing ( OTC meds only ) the CCC\'s were twice as good and seemed to last longer.

    My question is, why are the CCC\'s soooo damn good? All i hear is how bad the CPM is and it kills people but why is it so good? Please tell me its not the CPM, my nly other explanation is that when taking Zicam, I take it all at once as a liquid and it hits harder then goes away faster where the CCCs dissolve slowly in my body.

    If the reason is because they dissolve slowly, I will absolutely be in heaven because then I will try to find a way to slowly take my dxm and life will be grand.

    Also, what are the health effects of dexxing say, 2-3 times a week?
    (300-500 mg/ 130lbs)

    Thanks blades :)
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