Developing My Bass Skills

Discussion in 'Music genres, Bands and Artists' started by Mush King, Apr 6, 2009.

  1. So I've been playing bass for about a total of 4 months now altogether. I use my fingers only (index and middle, but I can get my ring finger in there for some triplets),and I can slap and pop competently. Where I'm having trouble is how to put together a bass line that makes sense musically ( I.E. using a scale properly in what key all that theory stuff). I haven't taken any lessons (too broke for that) and I have no prior musical experience. So I'm self taught. I can read sheet music, but just listening to a song and then trying to play it, or figure out what key it's in, or anything like that I have no idea where to start. I really want to get into a band and at least jam, but lacking those skills it isn't going to work. So anyone know where I should start?
  2. First of all, Newports are fucking awesome.

    As for the bass stuff, don't worry about the theory just yet. The way I learned to play guitar was through just noodling around and looking at basic chord charts. You've gotta just play shit that sounds good to you. Try to find a basic beat and then just fill in with little riffs when you feel like it.
  3. Learn all the triads and 7ths because alot of good bass lines are composed of nothing more than 1 3 5's.

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