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Detox in a week? 1 1/2 hits?

Discussion in 'Apprentice Marijuana Consumption' started by SmokinSmoker420, Sep 28, 2010.

  1. Hey GC, New to posting but not to the forums :wave:. I know their are probaly close too two million of these threads by now but mine is a specail week:(. I havent smoked in three weeks due to testing issues and today i fell into temptations. A couple buds were passing a bubbler i got one decent sized hit and another very small hit. So only 1 1/2 hits...NOT WORTH IT!!!!! Just wondering if i drink 5-6 waterbottles a day and piss clear piss 5 times a day should i be detoxed enouph that i will be okay in a week:confused:
    It is a last resort as i pissed in a water bottle the day before smoking (Three weeks clean):hello: So im saying if i can get the right temperature for my piss or if someones watching me will i be ok to just piss in a cup myself...Cranberry juice and other detox methods are not usuable due to money issues...

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