Anyone heard Dethklok's CD.....not due for release until the end of this month but it was leaked out and available for download. It is badass....I might actually buy it when it's released.
NATHAN EXPLOSION!!!! Hahahahaaa, I fucking love Dethklok. The album kicks fucking ass man. Just watched tonight's episode
I got tonight's episode recorded on PURE WATER! Seriously the album made all their songs sound so much better, especially because they used a real drummer, and not a drum machine.
Absolutely. Downloaded it, then went out and bought it =D Amazing clarity and brutal as all hell. Dethklok owns. MURMAIDERMURMAIDERMURMAIDERMURMAIDERMURMAIDER
I love all the trippy animation that's in the new season. It's really fucking cool. I still need the album though... and it's sold out!!!! Shit!!!