Is there a place where time stands still? Where absolutely nothing will ever change? IF so where would I go? Many places are immediately imaged. Times while on LSD. Time when blitzed as fuck. Times when drunker then an alcoholic.Why do these images stand out amongst the others so greatly? I think it has to do with the simple fact that i detest the reality the world forces us to experience. Why can't I just do my drugs forever without any other consequence from society? It is because of fear? Or is is because of sanity? If i could have one wish to be granted.............It would probably to have my own personal drug cave with unlimited substances of my choosing. I do and do not care what happens to this world i seem to occupy. I wish all a happy life. I wish all to leave me be with my narcotics. I feel as though i am an anomaly within this social structure that people have come to be comfortable with. While it may seem sad. I am happiest while on drugs. I cannot explain it. I simply like what these substances plus my mind create much more then what i would have to do every single day. If in any point in my life i realized i loved drugs.....It was my first actual trip with Uncle Cid. HE showed me what my mind is capable of with him. He also showed me what a miserable, selfish, and pointless existence for a creature i am. Time has shown me the ugly side of humanities face. I used to see the happier side when i was younger. But as the days blur together, All i wish for is my solitude amongst the damned. I have come to become firm in my understanding of knowing my place in the "world" I am here to spectate from an addicts perspective. I am here to watch the Fall or Rise of Man. I have no more of a purpose then this. I simply watch. Why? Because as it stand i am not a human. I am an alien. I was sent here from hell knows where, and they will not take me back. My place on this planet is futile. I will simply crumble into the dust that i was meant to be. No one will remember me. No one will speak of me. And all will be as it should be.
i agree with a lot of the things you said. its hard to find people with this simiar mindset but they are quite common on this website lol. i dont know about living in a drug cave because i feel like there are some beautiful things in this world worth exploring and learning about. although life isnt nearly what it should be. we are most definately damned. im kind of stoked to live in this time though we get to witness all this crazy shit. hopefully it isnt the government having a mass holocaust which im pretty sure it will be but that would just be a shitty way to die rather than maybe the aliens coming back to earth or something.