Destruction of morals

Discussion in 'Philosophy' started by yurigadaisukida, Nov 3, 2014.

  1. What is this destruction of moral people speak of? When most people hear this, they think of conservative babble. Like gay marriage is a "destruction of values"

    I used to think this way. But then I started learning what they are talking about.

    While some standards and values may be subjective, I think those aren't the ones "they" are talking about.

    There are certain values and ethics that overall strengthen a "society"

    Such as work ethic, Compassion, teamwork.

    I often wonder if.I were to look in houses, would they be clean?

    What think?

  2. I think successful criminals have a strong work ethic, murderers have escaped due to the compassion of some, and teamwork has helped banks and corporations become overwhelmingly wealthy and powerful.
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  3. Right. But I don't think that's relevant

    Maybe I should rephrase

    Is a sum total of people having poor work ethics, and bad attitudes about life, going to hurt the overall productivity and quality of life?

    If everyone is mad all the time about everything, what does society turn into?

  4. Depends on what you're attempting to produce.
    Are you attempting to strive for a utopia? What's the end goal here?
  5. No end goal. Well not for me. Or maybe my end goal is understanding.

    This thread isn't here to make a point, its more to ask a question

    Do you think the destruction of "morals" is real; and if so, is it "bad" for society?
  6. poison spreads. If people become poisonous and we accept their behaviour then overtime our society as a whole deteriorates. There are keys to making a happy society versus and unhappy one. Culture is just a large group of patterns that our interactions are composed of. When these promote reactive behaviour and dependence on habits to escape hardships, we tend to externalize bad feelings in ourselves and thus pollute our society with negative emotions and actions.
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  7. How does society fix this?

  8. productivity, yes, its almost like saying if x, then x. if there is more negativity, poor work ethic, etc then certainly that will be reflected in society, but the scales need to match 
    for quality of life its not clear, a claim that societies morals are disappearing is somewhat unfair as i see it. its a generalizing claim that focuses on a macro scale while largely ignoring the individual. 
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  9. #9 Account_Banned283, Nov 5, 2014
    Last edited: Nov 5, 2014
    I don't know what those who talk about a ''destruction of morals'' actually mean, so I'll address what you think they mean by the phrase;
    Work ethic; a decline in the necessity of human labour is a natural symptom of a modernized world and the systematized implementation of machines and computers etc. into both our working and general life, this however isn't a decline in work ethic, it is a decline in the necessity of work.
    Compassion; I don't see a degeneration of compassion taking place whatsoever other than in fanatical groups whom most would consider as ''outsiders'' of society to begin with - the world for the most part as I see it, and according to the facts of recent history alone, is only becoming more of a liberal and tolerant place.
    Teamwork; this, I think, ties into work ethic, as most places of work depend upon each member of that work place to fulfil their role in the group, and since I do not necessarily see any decline in work ethic, I do not see any decline in team work either.
    It probably is just conservative babble to be honest - they seem to have a habit of generalizing things so wildly that they could see one single and isolated incident of laziness or malice and think of it as a reflection of an entire society.
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  10. It starts down with each individual person and extends up into our successively more encompassing social structures.

    A human is like a cell in a body. When the interaction between cells is proper, the body is healthy. We should look to nature and see the macro within the micro and vice versa.
  11. Morals I'm not worried in the slightest about. Information is another matter. Everyone I'd guess remembers the case of the lady who sued McDonalds over the spilled coffee so I'll use that as an example.
    The public in general saw that as a case of sue happy people abusing the courts, but the public in general had little real information about the case. When you inform them that at the time McDonalds required franchises to serve the coffee at a temp of at least 180 degrees, that she sustained severe burns which required several surgeries and years of therapy, then the laughter tends to stop. The problem isn't our morals, it's the information we base our choices on. Once we are informed of a situation for most of us the morals aren't hard to find, we just seem heartless because we don't understand things which are outside of our experience.
    So to me the question is more one of how do we get past the media babble and our stereotypes of each other long enough to get to know the real situations? From personal experience the biggest problem different sides have once they do talk isn't so much where they'd like to end up as much as how do we get there. Nobody understands how the other side can make it work so we point and laugh rather than talk and think. That's what we have to get past.
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  12. One example may be the way that business has shifted from family/community values to the hyperbole of "responsibilities to the shareholder". Just hiding the goal of making the "haves" better off and screwing everyone else. An easy sell when mutual funds were added to the picture. Then people think they are getting a piece of the pie and they can more easily overlook the "settlements", safety issues, etc.
  13. Sometimes your metaphores are awesome

    Sometimes they are over my head

    I like this one

  14. So media plays a big role in the overall strength of a society?

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  15. Absolutely, but not the only role. I think we can look at lots of things, including ourselves which isn't comfortable for most of us. We're badly pressured by finances and how complex life is these days but we're also a bit lazy as a society when it comes to trying to be informed of the issues. News programs, if we want to call them that, which highlight talking heads and arguments instead of a real exchange of information are out there for a reason. Because we watch them, we put entertainment over information.
    We've got a lot of things to fix but it's going to be hard to get anywhere, including agreeing on what those other things are, if we don't get our information/entertainment priorities in order first.
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  16. #16 superkid17, Nov 8, 2014
    Last edited by a moderator: Nov 8, 2014
    I've honestly felt like I'm surround by negativity constantly. Which makes me either angry or sad. I have a major depression problem. Which in turn kinda makes me look at life in a different way I guess you could say. But when I stop caring when nothing matters but my own happiness is all I care about. I feel like I'm being choked out cause of all the negative actions thoughts and general attitude towards life. I have a friend who told me why is it us who are fucked up? We are so happy towards each other why are we so sad? After about a month of forgetting the question and just being outside at the park one day it hit me. I'm happy. Right now. I'm happy. By myself in this park with my music I'm happy. I then texted my friend Same one as last time. I told her I'm sick of the negativity the sadness all of it it's to much. I'm sick of people telling me that I'm sad. I'm not sad. I've moved on. Get over it and let me move on. I'm happy now. I love my friends my family and you guys.

    Sent from my iPod touch using Grasscity Forum
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