Despite TMV virus, everything is good

Discussion in 'First Time Marijuana Growers' started by Ghandi832, Nov 11, 2017.

  1. FE974AEE-03FA-450D-AF51-C81FFCCF5382.jpeg 7EC878F0-D1DA-445B-B8A7-D2387BAECBF4.jpeg 36DC76AD-6267-400D-9D5B-2B3544DE3AC5.jpeg 0814234B-CCA3-471A-8F1E-F618CBE2CC42.jpeg 01BA6127-D776-4B30-B5DE-9258344C8AE9.jpeg 608547C3-37E8-43DD-94D6-5E27D66A9419.jpeg 946CB094-B2A3-4D42-9DFE-BC1188FAA26D.jpeg 6002D4C0-387A-41EE-94A3-543BE4FE2623.jpeg 4C61E76B-66D4-4F69-B628-5834D5C27B93.jpeg A454327F-DA05-4973-B9ED-F73772B4BE71.jpeg D62C40FE-4485-4EC7-B29F-CB0C9D058DF5.jpeg So I was told in an earlier thread after I became curious about a couple of mutated leaves i noticed during the start of flower that one of my plants(Green Crack feminized Canuk from True North seed Bank) was infected with the TMV virus and that most likely my whole harvest of four would also be too so I instead of throwing one out, I just immediately added aspirin to their nutrient solution and so far, I see slowed yet progressing growth. Has anyone else ever dealt with this issue? I chose to keep going because this is my first grow. I am in my fourth week of Flower. I’m pretty sure it was my fault as well. I smoke cigs and use cigarillos for smoke and probably didn’t wash up before touching the plants. Bummer but lesson learned and grow isn’t a complete waste.
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