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desperate times call for desperate measures, aka balloons

Discussion in 'Apprentice Marijuana Consumption' started by Pink Floyd, Jan 24, 2010.

  1. Would it help you to get higher with less weed if you took a fat hit, then exhaled into a balloon and inhaled the smoke again, repeating the process a couple times? I realize that most of the thc is already absorbed into the lungs the first time, but there's always that last little bit, isn't there? You gotta do what you gotta do when it comes to no money and barely any weed am i right?
  2. The best method i have found of getting every bit of thc out of your weed that you can is using a mini bowl.
  3. Im by no means a doctor but im pretty sure it whould be pretty bad for you. Think about it your exhaling garbage air and then taking it in again. Get your self a good glass spoon and pack small personal bowls and your weed will last longer then any other way.
  4. It would work, but don't do too much in fast succession, you are also inhaling CO2 which is going to make you feel light headed. Do it enough and you will pass out xD try it though, I've done it before but instead of blowing it into a balloon I use my mouth.
  5. say what?
  6. Try it..if you don't report back we will have assumed you died and not to try this..Thanks for taking one for the team man

  7. well you're gonna have to wait until saturday at around 1:00 am pacific time to know if baloons are deadly or not, but yeah i'll keep you posted..

  8. Lol, once I did this, I just blew it into my mouth (kept my lips closed) and just inhaled again, no homo...
  9. i usually exhale half the hit, then take in some more fresh air and exhale the rest.
  10. it doesnt work man. eat a mango

  11. It works for some people, you can't just say it doesn't work because it didn't for you, but yes, a mango does get your higher. Search google for it.
  12. 1. you're breathing hot air and smoke into a balloon, its going to come in contact with the latex, then you're breathing it back in.

    2. You're starving your brain of some oxygen for a short while/ breathing in a lot of CO2.

    3. Most of the THC is absorbed within the first few seconds of being in your lungs.

    Overall, it's a bad idea. If you want to absorb more, just hold your breath for longer. Even that's not good for you, more of the crap settles on your lungs, but it's better than blowing into a baloon.
  13. If you really want to absorb everything, just do a ghost toke.
  14. I am going to have to disagree and say weed lasts longest through a vape.
  15. around 95% of the THC and cannibiniods will already be gone in the first breath if you hold it in for like 5 seconds. Sounds like a bad idea to me
  16. what is a ghost toke?
  17. Its when you hold the smoke in long enough when you breathe out no smoke comes out
  18. Obviously but if the dude is considering using a ballon to get more out of his weed and doesn't have enough money to get more weed im guessing getting a vape isnt an option, so the dude offered a cost effective alternative.
  19. ^^This.
  20. I did this once long ago when I was a young noob, blew the smoke into an empty baggy, then inhaled it again, was the most stale nastiest smoke i ever tasted, i puked...

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