Desperate Help Needed

Discussion in 'Sick Plants and Problems' started by jj09, Apr 3, 2008.

  1. Have them 18/6, everything has been going well. Then two of them started doing this. No nutes as of now.. PLease Please Help me out. Are femmed white widow, and 2 skunk.
    No issues until really recently. Leaves are all drooping, a couple of the lower leaves have fallen off and the rest are just drooping like crazy. Have them growing in Happy Frog soil, half are under a 400w, the other are under an unknown wattage. Was watering everyday at the time. Thought it may possibly be overwatering, so I havent watered for about 2 days. Conditions have been ok, temp ranging from about 75-82, spiking a little bit higher.

  2. Do you want us to guess? We need more information.

    Looks like incorrect watering and temperature problems.
  3. edited**
  4. Definitley root problems. I tried putting some plants outside last season and didn't dig the holes big enough and they looked EXACTLY like that. THose plants definitley need bigger pots. I don't know if they will make it because they are so rootbout, but if you put them in a bigger pot they might come back.

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