[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cGH9mC8Caxg]Desperate Boy Looking For A Girlfriend ! - YouTube[/ame]
I saw him on a FBThread on /b/. He had a bunch of posts talking about how he had a job but no GF to spend all the money on, so he's saving it until he gets one, and he posted a necklace he was gonna give her and a whole bunch of other shit like that.
[quote name='"BobTheBeast"']I saw him on a FBThread on /b/. He had a bunch of posts talking about how he had a job but no GF to spend all the money on, so he's saving it until he gets one, and he posted a necklace he was gonna give her and a whole bunch of other shit like that.[/quote] Thats moses, not this fatty.