Designer babies

Discussion in 'High Ideas' started by GanjaFallout, Oct 4, 2013.

  1. #1 GanjaFallout, Oct 4, 2013
    Last edited by a moderator: Oct 4, 2013
    I was thinking so sometimes people in life feel something in there life isn't right. For people who have a sex change its their gender. I don't want to sound silly but what if people "design" babies choose a sex an in in doing so creates an issue where someone feels like they aren't who they are supposed to be?if I wasn't the withdrawn, quiet, shy guy that I am, I don't know if I would have grown as a person as much as I have and if I would be happy with what I may have becomeLT26i, GrassCity App [​IMG]
  2. Wait so you're saying that there's people controlling baby genes? And that when they design them incorrectly, there becomes an incompleteness in the baby?
  3. #3 GanjaFallout, Oct 4, 2013
    Last edited by a moderator: Oct 5, 2013 on the concept and the possibility of being able choose traits, sorry I am really tired, stoned and didn't sleep well last night so I'm not functioning at 100%Also to the second part perhaps picking traits could make someone's life less rich, I wouldn't say that targeting genes that may be a precursor to say maybe heart disease is a bad thing. I was thinking more affecting things like personality even physical traits I mean they all play a part in the experience we call life. I also think when people overcome adversaries that it can leave them with a greater outlook on life, sometimes it's not till something bad happens that people start to live so looking at it like that it brings up some complicated feelings[​IMG]
  4. They already have the technology to genetically modify people but it's against the law. A lot of people aren't down for "playing God"

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