Descussion on Germination Containers

Discussion in 'First Time Marijuana Growers' started by SketchyPizza, Apr 12, 2012.

  1. Hello everyone!

    In the past I have used the paper towel method in a ceramic bowl, over a ceramic plate, on top of my water heater tank. This method worked very well, at about 90% germination rate.

    This year, I am living in a new place, no water heater tank and no ceramic bowl!

    So I have tried several new methods:

    jiffy seed starter greenhouse - in the window
    jiffy seed starter greenhouse - in the window under a warming mat from sunleaves
    paper towel in Tupperware container - on warming mat, under towel

    All three were given 7 days.

    The jiffy greenhouse in the window without the heating mat, had only 1 out of 5 show any sort of taproot, but never grew further.

    The jiffy greenhouse in the window with the heating mat, had only 0 out of 5 show any sort of taproot, but never grew further.

    The Tupperware/paper towel/heating mat had 4 out of 5 crack, and only 2 grow to seedling.

    The variables here are: Temperature, water, PH, light, and oxygen/nitrogen/co2

    I was thinking that my methods used previously, with the ceramic bowl and plate, worked well because it was not air tight, yet still kept in moisture allowing a small amount of fresh air. and it was at a optimum temperature (temperature not measured) tap water was used (results suggest proper PH)

    So what does everyone think? have you had success with sealed containers(Tupperware)? whats the optimum temperature?

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