Put some thought (maybe research) into it, discover new words, increase your vocabulary. Pulchritudinous, Fastidious, Magnanimous. I was recently told to describe myself and found i couldn't find the exact words that portrayed me. The ones above (and below) aren't accurate but are good examples to get started. Show off your vocabulary! What terms can you think of to describe yourself? Here's some more Vivacious, Cynical, Pacifist.
i can do it in one........ OTHER different or distinct from that or those referred to or implied use your other foot, different in nature or kind it is other than you think further or additional to have no other coat former the customs of other times pronoun the other one each loved the other another or some other person or thing noun the opposite hate is the other of love adverb the Other a person, group, or entity perceived as being the opposite of or completely separate from or alien to oneself or one's group
Eukaryote - An organism consisting of a cell or cells in which the genetic material is DNA in the form of chromosomes contained within a distinct nucleus. Disputatious - (of a person) fond of having heated argument. Callipygian - Having well shaped buttocks.