Describe Your Swag.

Discussion in 'Fashion & Lifestyle Trends' started by Roscoe706, Sep 30, 2010.

  1. Just describe your swag as best as possible, what you would usually wear on a normal day, brands you prefer, things like that.

    My Swag:

    • A lot of Ralph Lauren polo shirts.
    • Masters polo shirts. (I live in Augusta the home of the masters.
    • Random cool tee shirts, I don't really fuck with any shirts with a lot of graphics on em.
    • Champs white tees for undershirts.
    • During the colder times of year I wear a lot of hoodies. (Nike, Polo)
    • Cargo shorts.
    • Nike socks, Polo socks.
    • Khaki pants.
    • Jeans that fit (not really baggy and not to tight)
    • Nike shoes for the most part, vans, Jordan's, Hyperdunks, Air Max.
    • Gym shorts when I'm in chill mode
  2. Simple:

    t shirt
  3. #3 MajorStoner, Sep 30, 2010
    Last edited by a moderator: Oct 1, 2010
    Pretty simple, I like to think of it as modern hippie:

    -lots of American Apparel
    -Ray-Ban aviators
    -music tees
    -cargo shorts
    -faded straight jeans- 501s, Seven, Gap
    -Nike Air Max
  4. its not my clothes...but im usually tailored out;)

    swag is tude
  5. [​IMG]
    Only on tuesdays though..:cool:
  6. My Swag:


    • Shirts - Various graphic tees and button-ups (a lot of plaid and stripes). Sweaters and Cardigans during Fall/Winter
    • Jeans - Skinny (mostly Levis 510/511s)
    • Shoes - Adidas Originals, Puma, or Nike. Ferragamo oxfords if I feel like dressing it up a bit.


    • Sunglasses - Ray-Ban Aviators (recently stolen) or Clubmasters
    • Watch - Omega Seamaster or Speedmaster Professional

    I have kind of a pseudo-hipster style.
  7. white tee, jeans, nikes.
  8. Custom shirt,Custom Shorts,black ankle socks and Emericas
  9. Swag1 White t, jeans, nikes.
    Swag 2 Graphic t gym shorts (mesh kind), nikes
  10. Hollister/Dc/fox/famous clothes
    Ipath Hemp shoes
    Nice reefer

  11. +rep for white tees jeans and nikes.

    also for the mesh shorts, graphic tee,and nikes.

    simple swag is the best. people walk around with skinny jeans and fucked up haircuts talking about swag lmfao. stick to the basics yalll!
  12. True that, most people who got that "super stupid futuristic swag" going on look like complete idiots. You should keep you shit clean, simple, and fresh.
  13. the fuck is swag
  14. Swag is basically a persons style, apperance, and the way they carry themself.
  15. I come through wearing nothing except addidas slippers and whatever hotel robe is available.
  16. I try to keeps it real...

    (and fyi, I'm a girl and I'm fucking wasted <--exaggeration right now), boot-cut...I'm really short and can't get into that skinny jeans trend
    Black wedge flip-flops
    Low-cut solid color tshirts
    Lots of hemp bracelets
    Big sunglasses
    Big purse
    Fluorescent nail polish

    I'm just rambling now. Peace.
  17. pfffft, that doesn't sound like swag ;)

    im surprised a drunk person couldn't think of anything more interesting than that.
  18. plain tees

    cargo shorts or some baggy jeans(not front pocket by my knees baggy)

    some nikes,jordans,or some vans

    and i sit the new era fitted on top of the 360waves

  19. Heyy man...S.W.A.G. Stuff. We. All. Get.
  20. on a regular day ill wear a white t' with jeans and some vans. and my ray ban wayfarers.
    i like to mix it up with jerseys or plaid button downs from time to time, but i don't really care.
    oh and a beanie is nice when i don't wanna gel my hair.

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