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Describe Your Dealer

Discussion in 'Apprentice Marijuana Consumption' started by Mafia93, Sep 30, 2010.

  1. I'm really bored/dry right now...

    Just describe how your dealer looks/talks/acts/deals

    I'm buying from a short black (dark) guy with a slight lazy eye. He's always wearing polo shit. He has some of the strongest slang I've ever heard in my life (and that's saying something from a guy that considers himself skilled in ebonics) Every time we meet he's at least a little bit high and he usually has a half burnt woodtip wine black behind his ear. I give him dap, he hands me the shit, I take a few seconds to look at it, I give him the money, and he always says something funny as fuck right before I leave.
  2. i have a few but without getting into specifics hes a guy, uh he sells weed, he smokes weed.. that about what i know
  3. Its not a racist thing but i usually dont think white people can pull off "gangster" but my dealer does. He dresses in baggy clothing and carries iron knuckles and knives everywhere he goes. Fortunately, he likes me so I dont have to be worried about him using those on me but he is a pretty dangerous guy. To me he is pretty chill but he has this fake laugh that pisses me off. He is almost always under the influence of something.
  4. I have more then a dozen dealers, my best one recently got popped with a class x felony though so I'm not in the mood to talk about him cause he was a real good friend of mine.

  5. ha, sorry

    but i don't think this, but i'll contradict it real quick
  6. I have 2-3 dealers.One is Russian and the other is Cool and chill usually gets his hands on dank shit(In my Area) and my other is one of my best buds.get real cheap stuff from him :smoke:
  7. I look in the mirror:D

    I'm a grower:smoke:

  8. lucky! lol
  9. A friend since Preschool.
  10. I go to school with him. He has a tendency to smoke a bowl with you before you leave. So typically your high before you even touch your stuff. His prices are the definition of average, but he gets some pretty good stuff. He also packs some pretty generous bags. I don't think he deals much, I think its just to supplement his own stash.

    Pretty awesome guy.
  11. Lives in the city, in a shit house very not well kept, mexican, really nice guy.. usually weighs out to .3 or .4 more than it should be, good manners. haha
  12. Sketchy nervous white middle aged guy with a family. he sells me zips of sour d for $70
  13. easy going for the most part, would be pissed if i was describing him though
  14. my dealer is a tight wanker thats all i can say lmao
  15. Used to be a relative......that's all I'm saying. Now I just pop into the club, the normal dude there is chill, very cute, and always gives me fat bags. :D
  16. I have a couple, one is an old friend. Desses like a "punk", very quiet, always high. We make an exchange, smoke a few bong rips and im on my way.
    Other dude is a short black guy i went to highschool with, though i wasnt friends with him at the time. Always wearing a backpack full of bags of dank, ussually 3 or 4 different varities. He has a tendancy to say "yo gimme a ride down the road and ill make your sack fat" and he knows i have to drive by McDs to get to his house so he ALWAYS asks me to pick him up a double cheeseburger, no pickle no onion and a small fry.
  17. Always has these ridiculously awesome stories of miscellaneous shit that has happened in his last week, it's pretty amazing the cool stuff he gets up to, he works night shifts at a petrol station so we don't get to hang out much.
  18. Oh noes!!
  19. Eh vat?

  20. Sounds like a jerk. Get a new guy.


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