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Describe the highest you've ever been

Discussion in 'Apprentice Marijuana Consumption' started by calories, Oct 8, 2010.

  1. I haven't smoked in nearly 2 months and tomorrow night will be the first time I'm back at it. And I have some of the best weed I've ever bought ready.

    Let's hear some stories to get me pumped! :D
  2. This one time I bought some marijuana. I put it in my marijuana smoking pipe. I lit my marijuana smoking pipe with my lighter that I use to light pipes for the purposes of marijuana smoking. I then smoked my marijuana. I was then high, because I had smoked my marijuana.

    That is my mariijuana smoking story about smoking marijuana.

  3. Niiice
  4. I couldn't even explain it..

    I shared 2 blunts with 2 other people and had half to myself. That was the night i got unlucky with the cops.

    Me and a friend had to cross 1 street. So we came out of the woods and bam! A patrol car comes strollin by.
    How unlucky can you possibly get???

    Lol we probably looked like a couple of deer in the headlights
  5. once i got so high i fucked your mum
    lol jks
  6. First time smoking...pipe and 4 foot zong...over 12 bowls in 2 hours...passed out in a bathroom...then in a hallway for the night, good times. :laughing:.
  7. My real first time went something like this:

    after school one day me & a friend bought a 1/4 from a guy @ school (this was 9th grade) and met up with one of our older stoner friends that had a car. we stopped at the gas station and bought soda & munchies, as well as a pack of cigs, and some dip. (1 guy wanted the dip, he bought it himself) we then drove out to a parking lot of a church that nobody ever went to and proceeded to light up. only the driver had a piece, and it was a metal bowl. we ended up smoking about 1/8 before the driver realized he had u.v. blue in his trunk.
    my friend and i drank about 1/5 between us, had a few cigs, and then we all finished off the weed. afterwards we drove back to the school, and the driver almost hit some joggers. my friend and i had made up the excuse that we stayed after school to use the weight room, so we just hung out on some benches by the school for 20mins or so til out parents arrived.

    good times
  8. perfect. :D

  9. #9 Mardhyn, Oct 8, 2010
    Last edited by a moderator: Oct 8, 2010
    I have two stories that come to mind, the first one is me and a couple buddies/their girls smoked a blunt or two and decided to watch the movie Black Dynamite. Maybe my tolerance was just really low, or Black Dynamite is a movie made in Heaven, but I couldn't stop laughing, and I couldn't remember what happened five minutes ago in the plot. Black Dynamite is hands down one of the best movies I've watched while high.

    The second is I was hanging out on the main street of our, fairly, small town and these black dudes from the city start rollin a blunt while talking to me. So they eventually invite me to go smoke it and I decided, I'm broke, I got no weed, let me go smoke with these dudes. God damn did they have a blunt. I've been smoking for a fairly new amount of time, but I'm telling you if that wasn't a wuju, that was some fuckin dank as shit chronic. Like after the sixth round, my third hit had me seeing stars. Then they started waving knives around and I promptly excused myself.

    P.S. My buddy hit the roach of that blunt twice, and he said he was pretty damn high.
  10. I felt like a...slice of butter...melting on top of a big ol' stack of...flapjacks.

  11. If you guys have ever seen the Spawn HD app for the iPhone baked, well I felt like I was one with the swirly lights on my iPhone screen. That baked.
  12. Put about 3 grams in each of our own firecrackers between 2 other people. I was glued to the couch and none of us could get up or do anything. Just fucked up watching tv. One of my friends almost got raped by this chick but we couldn't do anything since we were too high haha.
  13. The highest I ever been was probably around my 6th month of smoking. It was my first time hitting a bong and my first time smoking and exotic strain. One massive hit of grand daddy perps and I was on the floor laughing uncontrollably for what felt like hours. My perception of depth shattered and everything seemed way cooler than when I was just blazed. Needless to say it was a great night. And munchies was fucking great.
  14. Highest I've ever been was my first time ever....
    -Slow mo vision
    -lost in thought
    -face like :D
    -intense euphoria
    -mad heart beat
  15. This is awesome. how stoned are you.
  16. im so gone man. just smoked ALL of the kief i had saved from like 1/2 oz of some no name dank that had been through my grinder. that on top of 2 bowls of some of that bud. plus ive been drinking a bit lol.
  17. Dude your my hero for these reasons.
    1. Quoting yourself in your sig. Epic.
    2. Smoking dank + dank kief
    Im too baked to think of any other reasons
    3. Your avatar is a post-apocalyptic nuclear coated frog
  18. ...Are you by any chance the real Wiz Kahlifa?
  19. Nope. I hail from San Diego, not Pittsburgh. I wish I was a 22 year old rapper who parties and smokes all the time though... :rolleyes:
  20. The highest I had ever been was the second time I'd ever smoked.

    I had just gotten a beautiful new minibong, which I named Double-0 because of the naked silhouettes and flames on the sides. With this I smoked 3 fat bowls and chilled out before taking a walk along some nature trails with my ex, this was at 10pm so it was dark as fuck.

    When we got onto the first trail I felt as though I had fallen down the rabbit hole. I looked up past the trees to the sky and thought I saw a dark castle off in the distance, the woods were moving and whistling, and I saw movements all around me. All the while I wasn't even concerned about it, just happy as fuck roaming about lol. It was an awesome trip and I still love smoking with that piece to this day. Actually smoking out of it right now. :smoke:

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