Der Riese

Discussion in 'Gamer's Heartbeat' started by havatt, Aug 11, 2009.

  1. Has anyone played this yet? I'd say it is definitely the best one yet. The upgraded guns are so sick same with the new knife. With three other friends we got to 21, but we made a lot of mistakes and could do a lot better. By myself I got to 18, only because I lucked out on the random box.
  2. Damn, no has played it yet?
  3. Only once and I sucked. It looks fucking sick though. I'm gonna take advantage of the double xp as long as that's going on, then that'll probably all I play. Hit me up D34D M1LKM4N.
  4. I got to level 27. Hit me up, my gamertag is legalize LA623. I fuckin love Der Riese, best map in the game.

    We'll kick some freakbag ass.
  5. i have it, its fun as hell, the upgraded guns are sick and got to level 25 with 3 other people online, one left around 20 tho, so for the last five it was me and two others

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