Depression Fueled Poem

Discussion in 'The Artist's Corner' started by Kurdt Cobain, Jan 30, 2011.

  1. I havn't picked up the pen in a long time so this is very elementary,but I needed to get this off my chest

    When I wake Up in my bed
    Why get up
    Its all been said
    I'm fucking hopless
    Why wanna live
    What is left of me to give
    Don't tell me I'm fine
    Tried so much but feel like dieing
    Give me pills
    Over and over
    my brain is fried
    But I dread being sober
    Please don't try me
    I'm way over the edge
    One wrong move
    And we'll all be dead
  2. great stuff, listen

    bru, i was in the same spot as you.. had a shitty situation go down 2 weeks ago.. all over that already, and wanna know how? you justt gotta get outve bed! even if you dont think you should, do it.. go around, go for a bike ride, a drive.. listen to some floyd, sit on a rock and stare at something for so long you're not even looking at anything.. just geti t outve your head man.. depression and inbalances fucking suck bru, i know how she goes.. but the only way to battle something happening naturally is to kick the shit outve it naturally, noimsaying.

    safe travels, peace n love!
  3. Thanks man,Ive done that before and I gotta say it helps.Perhaps I should just hop in the shower and head down to my apartment's lounge...Maybe that's the prescibed meds talkin but whatever.I really appreciate someone who's been through this hear me out.
  4. Good poem man. I know how you feel. Just gotta keep your head up and know that shit will get better. :smoke:
  5. good vibes!

    real talk,

    depression fucking blows, my family deals with that shit mad, they all take pills liek craazy.. i've avoided them completely, but i def have days where i feel like the end is coming when everything is perfectly fine.. its a bad feeling, i can relate in ways, but in no way am i trying to say i know waht youre going through.. the head is a crazy crazy complex thing, we're all just complex monkeys running around with problems and expectations, lifes a bitch dude.. writing helps big time, keep that up! i always write down my shittiest feelings and it helps x4 big time.
  6. Showed this to my mom and it scared her,I just wanted to show how I express myself...Id never do anything to make her cry.I guess she's worried because my dad said he wasn't suicidal and actually cut his wrists when under treatment.

    Im just sorry to who ever caused this,please make it better again.

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