Ive heard that this is a somewhat common side effect but im not sure exactly what it is. Last night, however, may have been it. Ive had a few occasions like this before when thinking about the universe, an all knowing God and such, but not like this one. I was with a group of friends with some music on. I started getting these crazy thoughts about what it would look like to look at myself from the outside, and not know any of the thoughts id have been thinking. I started thinking that my friends probably think just as much as I do, yet i can only see their actions. it led me into a thought cycle i never had before. It may have been spiritual, i dont know. But whatever it was, it was intense, i may have had a anxiety attack after because for several moments in my thought process i just remember covering my face, paying no attention to anything else around me besides the "realization". Ive toked well over 900 times, but this is all recent, within the past few months Is this "depersonalization"? What should I do? Its not like i dont enjoy smoking the herb, i love it sometimes, Im just worried that thoughts like these are somewhat dangerous. Im not suicidal at all, I just dont want these thoughts. It makes everything in life feel like a movie, video game, or dream.
Of course. also, worth mentioning I had a few drinks(something i never do) and there were some new people there I had never met. I suppose everything was just maybe overwhelming?
hahahha OP use of marijuana will change your view of things, probably slightly rarely heavily, but it does def change ways of thinking on some things. not all tho. thats why on some level all potheads can get eachother but dont think about it, enjoy the herb if you think about it you are just one of the people who let the paranoia dominate your brain which leads to worse effects