Dependant consciousness, communication, and the third person

Discussion in 'Philosophy' started by Mnemonicsmoke, Jan 23, 2010.

  1. #1 Mnemonicsmoke, Jan 23, 2010
    Last edited by a moderator: Jan 23, 2010
    [ame=]YouTube - Introduction to the third person[/ame]


    Introducing the third… perspective
    Into the conversations…
    It is as if by turning on a camera I turn on a part of my brain that is connected to the relationship of the third observer.
    I wish I could let go of this person
    He speaks of what he already knows yet he only knows he knows nothing
    In any case a reflection has been made, and in that reflection found absolutely nothing that can be spoken of.
    For that reason it is so despicable.
    It provides no progress. It only reflects on what it cannot reflect. It is imperfect
    But still
    you do it and this is the most incredible things about humans are
    well, its so impossible to be sure that others will know what you think
    to know that you can communicate. The levels of complexity of data transmission encompass a system far greater than that is lanaguage
    1:48In fact perhaps not a system at all
    A reflexive laws is that,
    Something that is known by its true nature cannot be known for at the moment of completion, Saying anything of the matter would detract from its meaning

    What I’m trying to say is
    this green camera of light on
    this green camera who has a light on
    when it turns on, so does a part of my brain
    it is impossible to be here and to be there
    and remain the same
    Does location mean anything except “the mind changes”
    Or to location to the mind, has no meaning without any possible reference other than itself
    I have to shut down the green light otherwise I can’t do what I want to do
    See that green light is possible dissent, or rather, what’s more frightening is,
    3:27Possible misunderstanding
    So what I’m saying is
    When there isn’t a third person
    Live subjectively; it’s a lot of fun

    I’m so sick in living in other people’s lives

    You know what is possible to do with your brain
    You know what is possible to do with society
    There are more than six billion people on this planet
    And you’re telling me, that our combined efforts,
    The best we can possibly do, is this?
    This is a joke
    This is the society that we live in
    The one where Walmart builds more stores and more stores
    Reminiscent of some castle building: millions of dollars spent to keep someone in power
    And his plans work so wonderfully, his plans the power that be…
    Has us completely dumbfounded
    The point is…that

    To be me , you cannot exist
    Because your existence changes my existence
    so that I become a separate entity in that which I was before you
    previously observed me

    Its like Heisenberg’s uncertainty principle you cannot look at an electron
    Know its velocity precisely and at the same time know its spin. Or whatever

    5:53So it’s the same thing with the consciousness you see
    When you observe my consciousness and I observe that you observe my consciousness, you know I react, I cease to be me, I cease to be
    Well my consciousness is very dependant
    The thing is that human beings don’t need another consciousness to change their consciousness via this method
    When you’re talking to yourself…

    bro yelling at me to pick up phone*


    I think what I should have said was that in the end even learning a lot of languages have its limits in communications

    we should explore other methods...such as smoking cannabis and creating know? Not really elaborating here but I gotta go to sleep
  2. Damn wheres the rest of it?
  3. #3 YEM, Jan 23, 2010
    Last edited by a moderator: Jan 23, 2010

    Yeah he left us hangin... :confused:

    I think it's awesome we can all share this experience, I wouldn't want it any other way honestly.

    It's like a smiley face looking at a smiley face. Without one of them, then the smiley face turns into a frown.

    Happiness is shared, hording it causes it to vanish. Embrace it by letting everyone embrace it. Therefore, happiness is only happy when happiness is everywhere. :)

    Being alone is cool and all, but you have to share your life experience with others or it is not really a life experience in my opinion. Let your being be with all other beings, do not put it in a prison cell to hold it captive and hold it closer to yourself. By attempting to hold it closer to yourself, you are only putting more distance between you and it. Learn to become one with your being and flow incessantly from and right back into all points of space.Be no separation, but be one with the whole by being whole with yourself.
  4. Sorry I let you guys hanging, its just that um well it was very difficult for me to articulate any of that in the first place and transcribing it to make sure everyone understood

    It took me like a good hour to do it.
    I didn't want to upload/transcribe the rest unless someone was actually interested in what I had to say

    Its so hard to use your left brain sometimes you know, trying to understand my own words and writing them down was grueling
  5. Drugs help. Obviously. Yeah man complete that, I want to comment on it but I was going to wait until you were all finished with what you wanted to share
  6. OK I uploaded the next bit, no transcription though, hope you can understand me at this point...

  7. I think I get what you're saying. I'm not trying to separate myself from others. I understand experimentally that I am part of the cosmos of every atom. You get those kinds of feelings under certain situation. At the same time, I feel very alienated because being able to realize this puts you in a unique perspective to view the futile "every day wants" of others. This society that we've created seems infantile, to be fighting, to be warring over powerless power, I feel at times my consciousness understands and wishes to take no part. Unfortunately, this is the society my consciousness must coexist with. At times it can be very discouraging to simply live among so many deluded.

    The saddest thing being none realize their ailment, and many would rather believe me to be the sick. Though perhaps sick I am.

    In any case, i'm all for universal love and happiness, it is one reason suicide has not been successful alternative, that I believe that I cannot escape existing
    Just gotta take what life throws at me, and in a rocky style fashion, see if i cannot get up
  8. #8 philan, Jan 25, 2010
    Last edited by a moderator: Jan 25, 2010
    Yeah, I watch people weave their life around meaningless things but to them they possess all the meaning in the world. To fit an image, to gain attention, to have the latest commercial advertisement, and hopefully acquire power and respect of their other superficial peer group that shares similar hollow values. Our values and ideals have been taught and built in such a way that the world is confused on what / how things should be. These people no longer listen to their inner voice and are following what is being told to them or put in front of their face.

    I still can't understand, and it boggles my mind, why we arent united as a human race yet. I don't get it. I'm not saying a 1 world government, or forcing a certain government on anyone else, but just to offer our unity, our friendship, our love to all around the globe. To feed those who are dying, who don't have water, who don't have homes, who need medical attention...why arent these *our* priorities. Each and every single one of us....why isn't this a priority?

    If the entire world was in a better living environment (as one), we would all benefit so much more than we ever could previously. It's such a simple concept but unfortunately it's a concept that needs to be shared by the majority first and theres so many selfish individuals that it seems like its such a 'fantasy' that wont come true anytime soon. So you're is frustrating living in a world that has horrible values and structure, and you dont know how to change it.

    I like to keep my brain occupied with puzzles & constant aggressive learning to avoid depression. It works quite well.

    This may seem kind of crazy but have you ever thought about creating over-unity generators? Not many people like talking about magnetic motors, electromagnetic fields, generators and thermodynamics. I'm not very far in to the learning curve, but I recently started pursuing this as a hobby just because it's something I can tangibly work with for cheap, and with some creativity, just may be able to contribute something amazing (but most likely not). But its still fun to work out creative ideas

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