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Discussion in 'Apprentice Marijuana Consumption' started by Kushomatic, Apr 14, 2011.

  1. #1 Kushomatic, Apr 14, 2011
    Last edited by a moderator: Apr 15, 2011
    EDIT: march 28th i had a root canal, yesterday i had a temporary crown put on, have to wait 2 weeks for the lab to build the permanent crown. so yesterday i went to the dentist, got 2 injections of novacaine, they basically sanded down and built up my tooth, than put the temp crown over it, and i was wondering if itd be ok to blaze now? i didnt yesterday because i wasnt sure if it would get infected. but would today be fine?
  2. The Novocaine shouldn't be a problem. Just hope you weren't getting teeth pulled.
  3. Why would you inhale an irritant when you just got something done to your teeth? If you don't care about severe pain and infection that could lead to brain damage then go for it.
  4. I smoked about 30 minutes after having a filling done. That was about a year ago and I don't think I suffered no dain bramage.

  5. Apparently you did, although minor... And not many people get hit by lightening, but that doesn't make it a good idea to walk around during a storm with a huge lightening rod.

    toking with Novocain will cause you to suck your lips into your lungs and you'll choke to death!!!!!!!!!!!:D're safe...;)
  7. Honestly, I wouldn't listen to all of these people telling you that you're safe. My brother is an oral surgeon and he see's people go through this all of the time. The most common problem is called dry socket, it's where a bubble of air gets trapped in the wound where the tooth was pulled/work was done. I know first hand that it hurts like a BITCH. I was drinking pop out of a straw 2 days after getting my wisdom teeth out and I got that shit. I wouldn't do any smoking or anything of the sort for a few days, even if it was just a filling. Smoking marijuana is meant to be an intelligent way of enjoying life, don't beat the purpose.
  8. Dry sockets can only happen if you've had teeth pulled, though. He didn't mention that, all he asked is if its safe to smoke while on novocaine, which it is.

  9. The only reason he would be on Novocaine would be for in depth dental work. Even if it was just a filling, you can still get particles of smoke through the pores of the filling because it doesn't completely dry for a while. That can lead to a serious infection, even if it is a small amount because it's presence will remain stationary. While smoking while on Novocaine may be okay, he still received dental work, and that is a risk that is easily avoidable.
  10. it wasnt a filling nor did i get teeth pulled. i got my tooth shaped and a temp crown put on my tooth i had a root canal done 2 weeks ago.

  11. Then you're fine :smoke:
  12. I've done it :D My mouth was numb from getting 3 teeth drilled into lol i toked(og oil) right afterwards.... now that feeling after you blaze where your cheeks tingle? Mine were like vibrating and waving around and shit... it was incredibly weird...
  13. re-edited OP.
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  14. As long as your nerve or inside of your gums aren't infected, you'll be fine. This is almost the equivalent of saying I have an ulcer, how long until I can smoke

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