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Dense smoke during exhale

Discussion in 'Marijuana Consumption Q&A' started by trippedOUThippy, Jan 1, 2013.

  1. So me and a couple of my friends were passing around some stuffed backwoods and noticed that each of us would exhale different "levels" of smoke. Mine was less dense while my other friend's was super dense. We would take pretty big hits but her exhale smoke was always so much denser and more milky then mine, and i no i was taking big hits. Even when we would hold it in for the same amount of time hers was still way more dense. Has anybody else notice this while having a sesh, or we're we just too high to notice it was the same?
  2. depends on fast you blow it out and how much of a spread it has
  3. i've noticed that too. to me, it seems how fast you blow it out. if you exhale slow it seems to be less thick and less condensed, while exhaling fast it all seems to clump in one area
  4. If the smoke is really really dense it could mean that it wasn't inhaled properly. If some smoke is just left in the mouth and then exhaled it will be really really really thick.
  5. Many people allow varying amounts of air in through the sides of their mouths while inhaling through a piece, or a joint.

    That aside, people individually absorb varying amounts of oxygen and 'adulterants' in any given amount of time, per each unit of air inhaled (which is why the 'three second rule' is a bit nonsensical, seeing as how the rate of absorption varies for everyone).....

    Anyhow, even if you were each to inhale the same total volume, and exhale at the same rate without interference, there's a very good chance the smoke density would be different, for those reasons. :)
  6. Yeah there are a million variables that could cause this..most have been said. It probably just means you got more thc :smoke:
  7. You were probably more relaxed (=relaxed lungs) as you held in the hits, allowing the smoke to be absorbed easier.
  8. That just means her smoke is still filled with THC goodness and it didn't absorb.

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