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Denied Health Insurance

Discussion in 'Marijuana Legalization' started by mateer, Dec 26, 2012.

  1. My friend was telling me an interesting story....

    He lives in a non-medicinal state. He applied for individual health insurance and said he was denied. For a reasons including some disclosures he made about his usage of cannabis medically to treat his symptoms of Restless Leg Syndrome. He said that he knew if he went in for treatment the doctors would know, so rather than lie and take a risk of having his policy cancelled for non-disclosure he told the underwriters about his usage. You would like to think honesty is the best option when dealing with issues like these, but I'm pretty sure he doesn't feel that is the case anymore!

    I wonder if Obama's new health care changes which are coming down in 2014 will have any effect on issues like these? I don't think he has any recourse right now..
  2. Obama's health care "plan," aside from being completely inadequately funded, will open up every single aspect of your private life to public scrutiny. This version of socialism will be championed like any other as being for the "common good" (as, alas, "we're all paying for it." We being the tax payers.) Blood draws for medical coverage? More than likely.

    In a related vein, I once disclosed to my Gastroenterologist that I use cannabis to help with my crohn's disease. It wasn't two weeks later my health insurance sent me a letter stating any coverage for drug treatment had been waived.
  3. So you are no longer eligible to receive prescription drug benefits through your insurance? Because of your disclosure?
  4. No, if by some weird act of the cosmos, I picked up an addictive drug habit which would require drug treatment, they would no longer pay for any of it, where as prior there was coverage for drug treatment. Maybe a huge coincidence, but that would be a big coincidence they'd cancel that part of my health insurance coverage that soon after my talk with my doctor under privilege of doctor-patient confidentiality. ;)

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