Demographics of Islam - a must see.

Discussion in 'Religion, Beliefs and Spirituality' started by Braintax, Jul 9, 2010.

  1. To all those who haven't yet seen this, show to your family friends and it will get you thinking.

    [ame=]YouTube - Muslim Demographics[/ame]
  2. I will not allow this to happen
  3. I call bullshit, I really cannot be bothered to verify all the sources cited for the 'evidence' in this video. But I know that Churches have definitely not been 'converted' to Mosques as the video states.
  4. Europe is fucked no doubt. This is what happens when you become a welfare state.

    America, not so much. Sure the population of Muslims has increased. But so has the population of latinos, whites, blacks, and asians. Muslims only account for 1.9% of the US as opposed to 20-40% in European countries.

    Also, there will be more immigrants of Islamic ancestry, but this video fails to factor in the element of global liberalisation. The islam in 20 years will be much more liberal, open minded, and in your face than it is now.
  5. The vid had a decidedly alarmist tone...It calls for 'action' dramatically at the end. What exactly are they suggesting? From the language used and dramatic tone, I take it that Muslims are seen as invasive and must be stopped somehow.
  6. i too found that odd... at the very end it talks about spreading the gospel and is a call to action... but then again these facts are very strange. i dont know what to make of it... i mean imagine if population shifts end up reversing centuries of societal development.. is the free world really at risk? what will happen to free thought? islam doesnt seem very forward thinking in terms of human rights... is it just me thinking this?

    i just wish religion would end... it seems like we're living in a fucking fantasy novel.
  7. well in the next 50 years the earth is going to go through some major climactic changes and the US economy is going in the absolute shitter, in other words the global economy will sink into another depression.

    im SO not worried about the freakin muslims moving in. more than half of their peoples are a loving, peaceful breed. islam has nothing to do with violence, this video is just propaganda.

    30 Facts About Islam
  8. #9 Dryice, Jul 10, 2010
    Last edited by a moderator: Jul 10, 2010
    Actually this was really common and vice-versa in the Crusades/Jihads.
  9. So, it's okay if most of the Western world are Christian but not Muslim?

    Sounds like Muslims are loving life more and having more sex and more babies. Good for them.

    Praise Allah!
  10. so if you don't wanna live with a bunch of muslims, fuck like rabbits!

    who cares if a ton of muslims move in? they won't be ultra-radical taliban motherfuckers that you see in tribal Pakistan, they will be average, american muslims.
  11. I for one look forward to the rapid increase in falafel availability.
  12. #13 Zylark, Jul 11, 2010
    Last edited by a moderator: Jul 11, 2010
    Islam is a very real threat to all societies more advanced than the muslim majority countries. As Wafa Sultan can testify very clearly to:

    From an interview on Dutch TV in relation to the Geert Wilders trial. (Could not find a version to embed properly, so one need to follow the link to see it.)

    Also, in an interview on Al-Jazeera:

    [ame=""]YouTube- Al-Jazeera Wafa Sultan discussion on Muslim belief and clash of civilizations.[/ame]
  13. Below is the Islam representative's rebuttal. I think his frustration is misguided, and disagree with him many times in the video. But hear him out, it's important to understand where they're coming from.

    [ame=]YouTube - wafa sultan don't believe in Islam, "but she is a Muslim"[/ame]

    -He feels that the war on terror is a cover. I agree.
    -He feels 9/11 was a conspiracy. I agree.
    -He feels that this war is a Christian crusade on Islam. I disagree, it's imperialism and profiteering.
    -He feels Zionists control American policy and essentially everything else. I don't know if they're "Zionists", how organized they are, how far their power extends, but it's clear to me that economic gods have hijacked our country.

    His main gripe is against corruption. I despise extremists and religion, but I also hate corruption.
  14. #15 Zylark, Jul 11, 2010
    Last edited by a moderator: Jul 11, 2010
    No it isn't. He is a fascist, I do not care where he comes from.
    Are you saying islamists don't perform terror? Seriously?
    You silly conspiracist. Deny facts all you will. Is it perhaps because islamists was behind 9/11? Do you not like that fact?
    So the war islam have waged on everyone else for 1400 years, plus change and counting, is something you disregard entirely?!
    I see, big finance equals zionism equals jews equal evil. Quite. I see...

    The most corrupt states in the world are islamic. If he got gripes against corruption, perhaps rather than focus on the west and Israel, he should take a pretty good look at _ANY_ muslim state.

    And ofcourse, the least corrupt states are western... Especially the nordic countries, who most islamics hate because of some freedom of press issue. You know, because of cartoons like this:


    And these people try to gain the moral high-ground?

    For fucks sake, perhaps when they grant their women human rights?! Or allow people to actually think for themselves?! Perhaps when they stop imposing their totalitarian theocratic pedophile violent creed on everyone else by means of killing or the threat of killing!



    [ame=]YouTube - Stoning for alleged adulterous women in Islamic Iran[/ame]

    I have links to videos of actual stonings. I've not actually been able to see them myself, I've quit them before the first stone impact. It makes me physically ill to look at.

    This barbarism, you liberal bleeding hearts apologists for islam actually make excuses for.

    It makes me sick to the bone!
  15. There is a point where political correctness regarding Islam has to stop and we have clearly passed it. Islam as it exists today has NO place in the western world. Remember, these people are calling for sharia law. Islam is a racist, homophobic, misogynistic, pedophilic, brutal religion. Muslims will huff and puff until they are blue in the face about their traditions not being respected but refuse to respect those who do not live their stone age way of life. They need a renaissance badly.


    I think that it is too late for Europe, and it makes the world cry.
  16. #17 Jakigi, Jul 11, 2010
    Last edited by a moderator: Jul 11, 2010
    No, I'm not saying that. I'm saying the reasons we're given for our decade long occupation are disingenuous. It stinks of imperialism and profiteering.
    Who's feeding you these "Facts"? I'm a simple peasant. I'm not going to kid myself and pretend these so called facts are attainable - understanding that governments throughout history have been used and abused by institutions, businesses, banks.... I try to look at the situation more objectively: who gains from a decade long war, a decline in civil liberties. Arms dealers? Contractors in reconstruction? Has this newly created anti-terror bureaucracy and decade long war made me safer? I don't fucking buy it.
    Imperialist foreign policy to avenge 1400 years of Imperialist foreign policy. I see.
    :confused: So.... yes, they believe the above. Let me repeat myself: I don't know. I have trouble seeing the difference between big finance and big business. As the more successful of the two (My guess finance) has probably near consumed the other. Like General Electric, owned by banks, itself owning mainstream media. The powerhouse financial institutions have their tentacles all over the globe. I'm not saying this Islamic gentlemen has the power structure figured out; I'm not saying I have it figured out, but it's there. Perhaps their anger is rooted in that and confused with religion.
    It is tragic. Watching the video you presented of a woman from that culture with a rational viewpoint suggests there might be better solutions than blowing them up.

    [ame=""]YouTube- Economic Hitmen[/ame]
  17. Interesting, but the real problem is the amount of stupid people having kids. I bet the amount of stupid people having kids is like 8 times the amount of kids of an intelligent person who goes to uni and has a career and settles down later.

    Maybe western culture needs a really violent religion to teach it how dangerous blind faith is in the first place. The more muslims the better, I'm tired of christian drivers and their gay fish and pussy driving abilities, always stopping the flow of traffic to let people in and feel good about themselves :p And yes i know im generalising, wasn't that the point of this thread?

  18. Man have I got good news for you.
  19. #20 TesseLated, Jul 12, 2010
    Last edited by a moderator: Jul 12, 2010

    No, really, OP, I can tell youre all riled up about this, but what is the 'call to action's purpose? Nuking them? I believe its a backwards-ass religion, but whats the alternative to their seems people are buying into the belief more, but for what reason? It seems like its calling for more violence. Is that what you are in favor of?

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