DEMOCRATS cheat and they suck too!

Discussion in 'Politics' started by maxrule, Nov 11, 2008.

  1. Isn't it amazing how DEMOCRATS win ALL the recounts even before the recounts begin? :rolleyes:

    This happens in both state and national races. I have heard severl news stories of democrats taking over republicans after the the repbublican appeard to have a sizable lead. And all this happens even before the recount begins. :rolleyes:

    The fact is that there was MASSIVE VOTER FRAUD this time around and it's probably worse than ever.

    Why would Acorn bother to pay people to register multiple times under ridiculous names? I'll tell you why. Because they need MAGICAL VOTES to suddenly appear in certain places durring the recounts. Those phony registrations end up being counted as votes.

    If the USA can't have fair and democratic elections neither can the rest of the world.

  2. Newsflash!

    Both Democrats and Republicans are corrupt at high levels.
  3. Too True. :mad:

    Should change the title to "Politicians"

    They're pretty much their own breed of 'people' now since what they consider 'the people' doesn't seem to have much to do with the average guy anymore.
  4. Republican/Democrat = Two sides of the same coin. Wake up! IMO Much Love.
  5. Exactly.

    Pay attention!
  6. Just because the USA sucks at voting doesn´t mean other countries do too :rolleyes:

    And it´s pretty obvious the democrats/republicans are corrupt.
  7. This is like trying to argue that your shit stinks less than someone elses flash shit stinks, and the fact is, Democrats and Republicans are a private club that controll the political process, they both want the same ends through different means. These ends to not always lineup with the ideals of most Americans, but they still feel the need to support them regardless.
  8. Also...
    Still with this Acorn shit? seriously?

  9. I guess the Republicans had better learn to cheat better.

    I'm now hearing talk that the democrats now want to use their power to "level the playing field."
  10. It's time to swallow the bittercakes, Max.

    Obama won. gtf over it.
  11. You are really on the Republicans and SP' sack huh? Elections over.
    Trash the Democrats when they fuck up again. Stop bringing up old crap.

  12. Joe the plumber was "the people" and he got raked over the coals.

    Half the population pretty much went...[​IMG]

    Where was the ACLU? :rolleyes:
  13. Max, your party has won the election the past 20 of 28 years, let the democrats have the next four. Embrace a real republican, so they can come in and cut off some of the fat. The next 4 years will not be the apocalypse.

  14. I don't care about that. I'm talking about these House and Senate recounts that are ALL somehow pulling hundreds of democrat votes out of thin air.

    By this time next week the Dems will have their filibuster proof majority.
  15. BTW - If the Dems get their filibuster proof majority, Obama will be the most powerful president in history.

    Their were like 380 some odd investigations of the Bush administration. Obama could turn in to Caligula and you'll still end up with ZERO investigations of Obama when all is said and done.

  16. LOL max.. republicans cheat just fine man.

  17. The next four years will be the three and a half of false peace. It's the last four years that frightens the hell out of me. :eek:

    I'm just blowing off steam but I still can't stomach the unfairness of it all. :cool:

    I guess it's now time for America to be ruled with and iron fist.

  18. Bush fought to give more power to the executive branch, the democrats in congress filibustered agianst that.

    When you look at when a bill is passed by the president, you have to look at what the law would look like in the hands of someone you do not like, maybe hate.

    Republicans were fine when Bush fought to give more power to the executive branch but now that Obama is in power it is a travesty, double standards bro.

    Just because you disagree with the means in which Obama is planning on steering this country does not disqualify that it is leaders of both parties that share the same goals, they just have different ideals on getting there.

  19. Yeah but they were more effective back in the good old days. :D


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