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Delta 8/9

Discussion in 'Marijuana Consumption Q&A' started by old pot head, Jan 30, 2024.

  1. is Delta 8 or 9 safe? what's the best way to take it?.
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  2. Between the two, I prefer delta 9 myself.
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  3. How many gummies do have to take to get lit.? I ate 3 once. I was relax but that's about it. Once me and my girl took a fourth each of rice crispy treat and got tore up,
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  4. A 10mg gummy will tickle the mind but 2 for sure get me feeling stone. It's a slow come on which is why its always good to take it easy and see how you feel after each increment. Ive had these 100mg in one gummy ones that I'll nibble on the thing all day. And if you take to much at one time the high can get really heavy and oppressive.

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  5. Okay here's the deal. I took 4 mushroom X delta 9 gummies. Each one is 100MG. I was tore up.
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  6. Yea I've only done 200mg at one time and it was waaaay too much for me. Lmao I can't believe you did 4. How did that go??? Slow motion lol

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  7. It was very good
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  8. Also made me very horny. so, I will pound my girl tonight.
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    • Winner Winner x 1
  9. Lmao can't complain with that side effect

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    • Agree Agree x 1
    • Funny Funny x 1

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