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Delivery NYC price

Discussion in 'Apprentice Marijuana Consumption' started by luddy, Jan 18, 2010.

  1. I know about the delivery service are a bit expensive, would you say 1/4 for 150 is around the ballpark?
  2. idk but i know its expensive its like 25 a gram. so u said a quarter is 150? whats 7 times 25? if its 150 or less then yea that should be the price for them. tc 1.
  3. yeah. that sounds normal. as long as its good bud. I get my quarters for 160 if i want cali. or 120 if i want some high mids.

    NYC all day
  4. Seems steep. Id rather not have it delivered at that price. Id never pay over $120 a quarter of dank.

    Id never pay over $45 for a quarter of mids.

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