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Discussion in 'Marijuana Stash Box' started by Chajetex, Nov 11, 2010.

  1. #1 Chajetex, Nov 11, 2010
    Last edited: Feb 22, 2018
    deleting post
  2. if you can fat blunt...if not
    scavenger pro
  3. Definitely bong. Stretch it.
  4. bongs to stretch, or vape if i had one
  5. when I first read the title of this thread I thought it said:
    What would you do with one orgasm?
    Wonder where my head is tonight...
  6. Take a quarter of it, shove it in my stash jar (I do this everytime i buy stuff) roll a nice joint with the rest. :D

  7. Hmm but now that you bring it up...

    What would I do with 1 orgasm?

    I would totally HAVE IT!

  8. I'd like to hit whatever bongs you guys are smoking from. Every one I've used burned through bowls faster than any other smoking method.
  9. vape that shit man, should last you long enough to get some more
  10. pipe or one hitter,maybe a bong but when i use our bong it tends to eat more weed than it saves, but a bong always gets me nice and lifted
  11. Gravity bong dude. You'll get the most out of it that way.
  12. Haha find my 1-1/2" Randy's put my girl to work twistn a J, open up my contacts list and get a quarter on the way.
  13. Small hits from the bong till your good :)

    You could just roll a joint/spliff and get fucked.... would leave you with a few days without bud but it would lower your tolerence :)

    I have a 3 day break every week lol
  14. 2 normal spliffs most probably :L

  15. Agreed

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