i dont think there is much you can do but props for coming out to your mom. thats huge and take alot of balls to do. i too love women
maybe the name of the game at this point is hurting your mom the least amount possible....and congratulations man
Good for you for being your own person and not living a lie, that takes a lot. Your mom is probably sad that she won't be a grandma
Coming out is always one of the hardest things you can do. If you need to talk, vent or anything, I am here for you. She'll come around, they usually do, once she realizes you're the same person, you just like the twat.
I think the only way anyone can ever be happy is to be the truest form of who they are in all circumstances. Props to you for being brave and for being true to yourself.
Ive never been in this situation and i have no clue what i would do but i was just posting to let you know that i read it and it made me curious
thanks guys, i guess i just have to give it some time and try not to argue with her to not hurt her more. I see this as a motivation in my life... to prove to her that i can just as succesful as any other person being gay. awww thanks hun. That last sentence made me laugh, something i def needed
I have a lesbian aunt and a gay uncle... Don't remember my aunt coming out and was absolutely shocked when my uncle did cause he didn't come across that way... But I can say my grandma and grandpa aren't disappointed by them in any way. Obviously I don't know your family but I can only speak from my experience... nobody looks down on them in any way. I would only feel good about it... your just being honest.
The least interesting thing about me is that I am a lesbian. Hang in there. Coming out is never easy. Be kind to those who care about you, that's all you can do.
Tell her to setup an appointment for a psychologist to address your "confusion" and let the psychologist take a stab at how crazy she is for her. I know I'd laugh someone off the phone if they called me to "fix" their gay child.
That took a lot of courage, good for you. She may be in a bit of shock and it can take some time for her to come to terms. Perhaps she is thinking "Oh chit, no grandchild"? Hang in there the City has your back.
Ouch, that's a downer... Maybe you could go anyway though and get to tell your mom "he says I'm totally sane, I'm just attracted to ladies!" Seriously though, give her some time. Obviously she's having a hard time dealing with it right now, but at least she's not one of those types to instantly disown you, throw you out on the street, and tell you to never contact her again. She probably just wants whats best for her daughter and maybe mistakenly thinks that this lifestyle will not make you happy. She just needs to realize that this is what will make you happy, and you're not missing out on anything by being a lesbian. Hell, she could even still be a grandmother someday. Hopefully she just needs some time to come to terms with it and maybe one day she'll be totally accepting and supportive. Best of luck to ya, and props on having the "balls" to come out to your mom.
Ugh... Intolerant parents make me queasy.... Hopefully she will think about it, talk to someone, do some research... and realize that a lesbian daughter is NOT the end of the world.... or even a problem... ....or even really any of her fucking business.... Keep us posted on how it goes lady.
You could tell her you are bi and then just date women. Maybe that way she'll stop making you feel guilty while you can go out and chase pussy and still be cool with your mom because she knows you like girls but still has false hope that you'll find a nice guy. False hope isn't always a bad thing.
Or she could just get the fuck over it..... I feel like you shouldn't have to hide, or pretend, or any of that bullshit to be accepted....
not entirely a lie. The OP sounds like she is comfortable with who she is, but also wants to stay close with her mom. Saying your bi might be easier for her to accept, while the OP can still go after girls and stay close with her mom. I'm just offering a suggestion peoples. Some people can't just get over the gay thing. Baby steps
Telling her mom she's bisexual when she's a lesbian is completely a lie. She's lying to her mom about her true sexuality and still having to hide behind a facade of being attracted to guys as well.