Deja Vu

Discussion in 'General' started by Budd, Jan 25, 2005.

  1. Hey all :smoke: Wanted to throw in a quick stoned thought :D I think our minds already know all that we will ever know... and deja vu has got something to do with it.

  2. Our fate is already decided... we just realize it as it comes to us.. Each day rolls by, but tomorrow has already been decided.. Wow im stoned!
  3. Exactly man :smoking:
    I haven't been around the forums at all lately, (life can get crazy, you know how that goes) But I wanted to come on here to express my thoughts on the phenomenon Deja Vu
    I've been getting about 2 a week here, and it used to be months inbetween experiencing them.
    Whats up with them? glimpses into the future? I think there's more to our mind than anyone knows. I know I've said this thought before somewhere on these forums, but here is my thought.
    Think of a gold fish in a little bowl. Perhaps a pet to some child who feeds him twice a day. That fish will live for years swiming and eating. Do you think that fish knows about anything else outside it's bowl? There is so much that fish has no idea about.
    My analogy is that we are the gold fish, and there is more out there than we have any idea about. We humans may be the big fish around here, but might not have any idea of what's really out there.
    Just some more stoned thoughts for the day ;)
  4. Oh, another déjà-vu thread...

    Sorry to have to disappoint you, but there's a perfectly logic medical explanation for them:

    It's a shortcut between the short-term memory and the long-term. Information you just received is passed directly on to the long-term memory. Thus it seems to you what you just experienced happened a while ago...
  5. One time when I was completely baked I had deja vu and I came up with deja vu being a memory from your past life that is re occuring again. Crazy shit and it tripped me out for a while
  6. Yeah, Skinner. I heard it has something to do with one eye seeing an image and registering it into your short-term memory before the other does. But it happens so fast it seems like you're simply remembering the present.
  7. Damn, so I got a short in my brain?
  8. Pff, don't yous guys watch the movies? It's a glitch from resetting something in the matrix, that's all.

  9. yup, i heard the same

    its a mental condition, i hear, and when ppl refer to them haveing deja-vu
    they are saying that incorrectly
    it would be like me saying" up, i just had herpes, "everytime i got a pimple
  10. i've been getting a lot of deja vu this past week. really weird.
  11. Yup...and it's kinda cool once you realize it. Think of it next time you have one...

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