is this water salt free? as it has been brought from a vapor to a liquid through a machine i think it is but want to clarify this
ATM, i have lots of devises running. I get my groe watet solely fron my AC's and dehumidifiers. Works great
I've done this in the past also. The only thing that will be in the water is whatever is in the atmosphere. If one researches this topic in a general search they'll encounter non-scientific claims that the water condensate from an AC unit, for example, will have aluminum in it so "don't use it because it's harmful". NOT! The condensate water is perfectly safe for your plants and if you pH test it will read just about a perfect 7.0 every single time.
I've tried creek water, lake water, rain water, tap water, RO water, Dehumidifier water, and air conditioner water. Im beginning to hate water
LMAO! That's phunny Irie . Tell ya what happened with me that might be able to happen to you (and others). The supply store that I try to funnel 100% of my $'s towards for the things I need right now! is an awesome place owned by some awesome folks. They each and every one of 'em are hydro heads. I'm the odd duck in that crowd LOL but they are good peeps. Anyway... They have a fairly good display of their wares set up with plants growing under lights and right by the door is a 55g drum full of RO water! It's free for anybody that walks in the door and I generally speaking will take 15-20 gals PER WEEK! And it's not just me it's anybody that wants it. If you've got a supply house you like you might ask them about a similar situation. I'd gladly pay .50g for RO water, self-serve, as long as the system is maintenanced properly (and they def do theirs). So, instead of purchasing an RO unit you might mention it to your go-to source and suggest there's potential profits in it for them! And FWIW, it is this example of generosity and goodwill that allow me to funnel 100% of my local spend at their store. Whatever they didn't have that I was getting somewhere else they now have on their shelves. It'sa one-stop-shop mates! RO by the gallon. You heard it here FIRST!
Old thread, but maybe you could throw The dehumidifier's water output Into a countertop distiller for purification and potable / plant use...