Dehumidifier settings HELP

Discussion in 'Growing Marijuana Indoors' started by markymark420, Nov 6, 2023.

  1. I need some help with my dehumidifier settings.
    So I have the rh% on the controller set at 40.
    On the actual dehumidifier I also have it set at 40.
    On the controller I have my AL at 35 and my AH at 60.
    So my problem is that plenty of times throughout the day my rh% reaches 60 and then the rh% will start dropping. So I’m assuming the dehumidifier isn’t on that whole time. Don’t really no til I hear the alarm beeping and by the time I’m there it’s dropping back down.
    Do dehumidifiers have their own sensor to turn on when needed ?
    Should I lower rh on actual dehumidifier ?
    Lol i feel like I’m making it more confusing than it actually is. Any help is appreciated
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  2. *know

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  3. I have mine behind the tent. It’s in a room that’s kind of on the smaller side. It’s actually an old bathroom in a basement that was never finished. And turned into a grow room. and it seems to do really good at keeping the air behind the tent very dry especially now that I’m late in bloom. My Rh is like 27 to 37%[​IMG]
    I find when it’s behind the tent not only do I find it a lot of warmer behind the tent, but it’s very dry back there — seems to be where my tent draws in the most air from as well. [​IMG]
    How big is the dehumidifier? I think mine is a big like 45 to 50 pint model. One of those almost industrial sized. lol. it was in my buddies room that his uncles used to use back in the day it sits in a bathtub that just runs water .. it’s funny because I walked behind there tonight and I realized how dry it was and I was like OK so this is where all the air is being sucked in from you know what also helped me is putting a small ceramic heater behind the tent as well. It definitely dries out the air and if your fan works well enough, you don’t have to really worry about the heat will just dry out the air.

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  4. Even with the heater, set to like 74 to 75° my exhaust fan does plenty of enough work on lights on and lights off to keep the temperature fine but it definitely drops the humidity a lot.. you can get a cheap one at Walmart for like $40. That actually has a built-in timer. (Only as far as how many hours you can, until it turns on or off.) still very helpful though. Honestly, it really helped lowering my humidity in flower

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  5. I dropped mine to the lowest setting possible, and I just turned it so it just cycles on and off all day. It has a timer built-in as well to that but as I said, the heater helped me the best. I’m also in an unfinished basement in New Jersey in October so .. it didn’t hurt having lower temperatures to begin with. But as I said, if you have a good enough exhaust fan, you don’t have to worry about that the ceramic heater alone should dry out the air.. did wonders for me

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  6. [​IMG]

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  7. why so low in VEG 60% is what i go for i could be wrong but 40% seems low to me
  8. #8 CO BlueGreen, Nov 6, 2023
    Last edited: Nov 6, 2023
    Sounds like you have your dehumidifier plugged into your remote controller. If that’s the case then you must set the control on the dehumidifier to maximum. This will allow the remote to effectively operate the dehumidifier based on the remote’s setting.
    Lower the dehumidifier setting to lowest.
    Set your remote to your desired range.
    Hopefully that makes sense.

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