Defoliating and Lollipopping.

Discussion in 'First Time Marijuana Growers' started by Litterboxshay, Aug 21, 2018.

  1. What day or week of veg and flower is the best to lollipop and exfoliate my plants?

  2. Personally, I only take a leaf off when it easily comes off or touches the dirt. But I know people that take ALL fan leaves off every 2 weeks after starting flower and have impressive yields.
  3. Defoliate any time the leaves are blocking growth you want in the canopy or developing budsites. This could mean a leaf or two daily, or a few major defoliations depending on growth rate, etc.

    I like to defoliate and lollipop together before going in to flower. Sometimes it reduces the stretch if your close to maxing height out as it takes a few days to recover.

    Some strains even need another defoliation after the stretch (15-20 days in flower) to expose buds. This again depends on genetics.

    If going for long vegs, I usually defoliate once a month or so and then again right before Flower if needed.
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  4. Awesome. Ive heard day 21 is usually the best time. To Defoliate and pluck my suckers off. Thanks

  5. Thanks. I've heard two weeks before flower and day 21 are good times. But it does make sense do as needed. I'm a newer grower and just trying to get the basics down. Thanks


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