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Deficiency problems or pests?? NEED HELP!

Discussion in 'Sick Plants and Problems' started by Tyler15, Aug 11, 2019.

  1. IMG_8242.JPG IMG_8243.JPG IMG_8244.JPG

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  2. Most likely calcium and magnesium deficiency
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  3. It's outside. Something came along. Took a bite and moved on or got eaten by something bigger. Inspect the underside but odds are you'll find nothing.

    Nature for the most part is self correcting. The only things I spray for outside is Powdery Mildew and Caterpillars.
    Green Cure and BT.


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  4. I feed my plants with Dyna grow. Could I be under feeding them? Or possibly too much & its lockout?

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  5. I haven't sprayed my plants with this stuff yet. Would this work?

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  6. Spinosad like that is the big gun I pull out when I have a real infestation like white fly or spider mites.
    It's bigger gun then needed for Caterpillars. Like using a sledgehammer to hunt mosquitos.

    BT is only effective against caterpillars and is a biological organic rated product. Local garden shop should have it.
    Bacillus Thuringiensis
    I like to only use the minimum strength products needed to get the job done and avoid using large scale theater wide chemicals.

  7. Bro that's a cal mag deficiency.
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  8. Should I feed them more? I'm feeding the twice a week. Or buy cal mag?
  9. I would buy Cal Mag. Back down your solution a little and compensate with some Cal Mag. Don't over do it.

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