Hello All, This is my first time trying to grow cannabis. So far so good, except I'm noticing some issues with the leaves. I'm growing outdoors and the buds are forming but I'm afraid there is some sort of deficiency. If I post some pictures, is there anyone out there that might help me figure out how to fix the issues. Thanks!
Post some pics! Also, this is very helpful Marijuana Nutrient Problems & Symptoms by Picture | Grow Weed Easy
leaf2 by seejayem posted Sep 3, 2019 at 8:08 PM leaf1 by seejayem posted Sep 3, 2019 at 8:07 PM Here is a couple of photos... thanks for any help!
Did you take a look at that link? Seems it could be a few things with process of elimination, I’m not too familiar with outdoor plant problems but if you don’t get some replies try just typing something like “outdoor plant leaves turning brown between veins” into a search