What type of medium; soil or hydro? Soil What brand and type of soil? FFOF Indoors or outdoors? Indoors What strain? Bagseed How old are the plants? 3 weeks into Flower What type of lights and how many watts? 4x23w CFL 2700K How far from the lights? 3-5 inches What is your watering frequency and source of water? every 3-4 days What, how much and when was it fed? NPK? Fox Farm Trio every other watering What is the medium/runoff pH and PPM if in hydro? fed 6.0 runoff 5.8 What are the temps and humidity in the room? high 80's
Yes they are.. but they turned purple after I supercropped the main stem. Should I up my nitrogen? Right now I'm using 2 tsp a gallon (following FF schedule)
Yikes, that seems like a whole bunch to me. 3 weeks into flower you probably want to back off on the N and move to P&K (which is the determinate of the bud size and weight). Hope's this helps.
Really? I'm following the FF feeding schedule. 2nd and 3rd week u feed them 2tsp of tiger bloom n grow big and a tbls of big bloom.
I dunno bro, haven't used FF as my primary source of food for sometime now. Although just recently I ran out of bacteria and had to use some grow big for a N boost. But then I used 1/8 teaspoon (measured) into 12 oz of water, and then immediately followed that with a gallon of good ole Zero ppm water. Did you ever measure the PPM's? Sorry, I couldn't help more
There is an imminent P deficiency rearing its ugly head. Also... If my calculations are correct - u only have 92w of light. That is not even the minimum requirement for one plant. U need at least 100w, and the more the better. Also...the high 80s is bad for weed. Aim for 75 - 80. Your budz will look alot happier. Freak
Put that damn calculator away. You're making my head spin with those numbers. BTW, I thought it was a function of lumens per square foot. But, wtf, does an old man know? I'm lost in a world of bacteria/fungi/algae
It is exactly that Pa - lum/sq ft. Floro puts out very limited lumens. Thats why they have to be so close to the plants. By looking at those bud shots, I can tell that the light is way inefficient. They are sickly looking (sorry op), and the only thing that will perk them up is more lumens/sq ft. Freak
Throw the feeding schedule in the trash can and listen to your plants. Every strain is different so you can't trust a printed schedule.