Deer tick How to call out of work?

Discussion in 'General' started by Lerf, Aug 17, 2012.

  1. So I got bit by a deer tick and got some antibiotics. Now im just waiting for my 7 day follow up. I really woke up and just feel lightheaded and I dont feel like working. Whats a good call out excuse, its fast food but Im like a super good worker, I know they will miss me for today but over the past 7 months ive had perfect attendence
  2. How bout your sick?
  3. Or you can just tell them your story.
  4. Tell them the truth. You're own some medication right now that makes you feel drowsy and light headed. They should understand that you shouldn't be working.

    Or you could always say you were in a plane crash.
  5. Called off work because of a tick bite?!

    My god, what kind of city slickin town are you from? I get bit by hundreds in the course of summer to fall.

    Man up and go to work. Or call in sick, its fast good WGAF.
  6. [quote name='"Spaced"']Called off work because of a tick bite?!

    My god, what kind of city slickin town are you from? I get bit by hundreds in the course of summer to fall.

    Man up and go to work.[/quote]

    I think it's the medication causing the light headedness and drowsiness. I don't think he's complaining about the bite.

    But if he is he should just man up.

  7. This for fucks sake. You want to call out of work because you feel lightheaded? Do you also call out of work when you have a hangnail?
  8. [quote name='"Jamaican Hotbox"']

    I think it's the medication causing the light headedness and drowsiness. I don't think he's complaining about the bite.

    But if he is he should just man up.[/quote]

    My question is why did he go to the doctor for a tick bite?

    My insurance company and doctor would laugh at me where I live... Not to mention he would only prescribe me a kick in the ass for coming to see him for a bug bite..

    The kids on antibiotics, I'm pretty sure he can handle putting a fry basket in the fryer. :confused_2:
  9. Deer ticks = lime disease. I go and get checked too and i live in idaho :rolleyes:
  10. I get at least 20 tickbites a summer. Never have gotten anything. Guess I have an actual functional immune system :rolleyes:
  11. Ok let's get one thing straight. 20 tickbites=NOT Dangerous 1 deer tick=great white shark. End of story. And I want to go out of town too so I want to use this as a booster
  12. Haha I'm picturing this massive tick with antlers... But you should probably get tested fir Lymes disease, it can be fatal if left untreated I'm pretty sure.
  13. A deer tick bite isn't anything to worry about.

    I live in Upper Michigan, like I said, I get at minimum a hundred bites a year and I don't have limes disease.

    It's people like this that clog up the emergency room for people who actually have emergencies..
  14. ^ someone needs to chill man. Lyme disease is serious shit, it never goes away once you have it and it can kill. In Idaho we have had serious outbreaks of it. I don't get tested for a regular tick but when i know i got bit by a few deer ticks while paintballing i got tested.

    Also you do know even if you're bleeding from your face you have to wait in the ER right? If you're brought in and are in serious trouble they take you straight back. they do have a priority list.
  15. Yea that's why there is a triage nurse. So people with deer ticks sit down and watch family guy for 1-2 shows before being seen.
  16. Sigh.. did I say lymes disease wasn't serious? Don't put words in my mouth.

    The odds of getting lymes disease from a tick bite is about as real as you getting west Nile from a mosquito.. better get checked every time a skeeter gets ya.

    City slickers, I tell ya :p

  17. Wow you don't live very far from me at all, didn't realize you were so close.
  18. #18 Bombur, Aug 17, 2012
    Last edited by a moderator: Aug 17, 2012
    Hundreds of times a year? Really? I live in an area with really heavy tick population and I haven't been bitten once this year while always being outdoors, hiking etc. It's a fact that ticks very often carry 3 really harmful disease, Lyme being the worst, and to say people shouldn't worry about tick bites is BS. I seriously doubt you get bit HUNDREDS of times by ticks each year, what are you rolling around in long grass all day and not checking yourself for them?

    I agree a tick bite is nothing to go to the doctor for, or call in sick, but when you say getting bit hundreds of times per year is harmless that's just silly.

    Edit: you say city slickers like they don't know how to deal with ticks, but meanwhile you manage to get bit hundreds of times within a span of 4 months
  19. [quote name='"Spaced"']A deer tick bite isn't anything to worry about.

    I live in Upper Michigan, like I said, I get at minimum a hundred bites a year and I don't have limes disease.

    It's people like this that clog up the emergency room for people who actually have emergencies..[/quote]

    From metro detroit I go to the U.P. once a year and I always end up gettin a tick bite. Totally worth it though.
  20. [quote name='"Bombur"']

    Hundreds of times a year? Really? I live in an area with really heavy tick population and I haven't been bitten once this year while always being outdoors, hiking etc. It's a fact that ticks very often carry 3 really harmful disease, Lyme being the worst, and to say people shouldn't worry about tick bites is BS. I seriously doubt you get bit HUNDREDS of times by ticks each year, what are you rolling around in long grass all day and not checking yourself for them?

    I agree a tick bite is nothing to go to the doctor for, or call in sick, but when you say getting bit hundreds of times per year is harmless that's just silly.

    Edit: you say city slickers like they don't know how to deal with ticks, but meanwhile you manage to get bit hundreds of times within a span of 4 months[/quote]
    I spend my days in the woods and high grass. What do you expect? Considering I find anywhere from 1 to an upwards of 20 on me a day, I'm not worried.. as I'm completely healthy.

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