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Deep thought difficulty and cannabis

Discussion in 'Apprentice Marijuana Consumption' started by unactiveaccount, Feb 6, 2011.

  1. #1 unactiveaccount, Feb 6, 2011
    Last edited by a moderator: Feb 6, 2011
    Hello there. Before I begin, I'm just going to be completely honest about what I'm thinking. I sincerely hope that none of this comes off as a form of condescension.

    Before I decided to start engaging in frequent MJ usage, I considered myself a fairly intelligent and deep-thinking individual. I noticed that my ability to think critically and deeply for a few days after ingestion was somewhat decreased. I looked into the potentially permanent, adverse effects from frequent marijuana usage. I was reassured by numerous sources that nothing would last "forever" and my mental dexterity/capacity would return back to normal. I continued smoking for about a year on a weekly basis - sometimes 3 or 4 times a week during summer or winter breaks from college. As time passed, I began noticing that my wit began to diminish - at least I thought. I also noticed that my ability to think very deeply had also been "obstructed."

    Now, what's my question? My question is, has anybody experienced degradation in their clarity, speed, or depth of their thought as a result from cannabis use? Has anyone actually experienced these effects from smoking it "too" much? If so, was it permanent? Is it possible that those effects actually happened to me or am I just crazy and perhaps over-thinking it? I'm currently on a MJ break for the past 3 weeks; so far, I've experienced a relapse into my "former" self to some degree... I'm wondering if it'll all come back.
  2. I think it definitely depends on the type of weed you're smoking. I felt the same way after smoking mids indica strain for awhile. I just got my hands on some sativa and I'm thinking completely different. I analyze every thing I see, whether it's on tv or anything. Everything becomes clear as day, and the priorities in my life become more apparent. I get into some serious contemplation, and it's just so refreshing, relaxing. It was unlike any other feeling I've had. It was like someone went into my head and re-arranged my thought process. I really look at my life from an outside view, and just become so grateful for what I do have instead of being a pessimistic bitch all the time.

    Tl;dr : try some different weed.
  3. while im on cannabis i can think much much deeper and clearer, but when the high goes away i kind of have a mental block like my mind is exhausted and i tend to think alot less and allot less clearer afterwards.

    now, none of these are permanent they go away after you stop using cannabis and once its gone youll be on top of your game. youll be sharper more precise have more energy and you will feel good(yeah it sometimes feels good being sober after smoking cannabis for a long time o_O)
  4. i think it depends on what your smoking. Indica is supposed to make you mellow and whatnot right? try sativa instead?
  5. Bro let me just give you the truth now instead of 10 pages of posts like those^
    Weed DOES slow down your thinking. It does very minimal brain damage but people here like to ignore it since "it's better than cigarettes"

    Fact of the matter is weed dumbs you down big time. It isn't an amphetamine such as adderall which makes you think clearly and more efficiently. Weed puts you in a stupor.

    Look at all your favorite "stoner flicks". They're all slow witted, forgetful, and just downright dumb. This isn't just for comedy purposes, it's actually how potheads act.
  6. in my experience it's been the opposite. I honestly actually feel like my brain works at a higher capacity now than when it used to. And i've always prided myself on my intelligence. But from smoking so much weed and experiencing so much, my brain learned how to think on many levels above what it could already, and now I can think at a higher level than when I started.

    Also i have no idea what that guy above me is talking about, but it doesn't make you stupid and it doesn't cause brain damage (as far as any studies show).
  7. I was at a point I couldn't even form a sentence. Since not smoking so much now I see some friends that smoke constantly, and notice that same "quality" in them.

  8. Sorry but I doubt that is from weed.
  9. Well I don't know what that's implying but I haven't been doing anything else differently. I don't see how it's that much of a stretch, it's already a given that when you're high you come up with crazy thoughts and ideas, and it's because your brain is being stimulated. And when you get used to using your brain that way so much, I don't see what's so impossible about that carrying over to when your not high.

  10. For someone claiming to have some unique perspective on the truth that the rest of us don't have, you're kinda full of it. No offense but where the hell did you get that load of nonsense? Show me a legitimate study that shows that. You won't find it. No legitimate study has ever shown any permanent brain damage from smoking cannabis. That rediculous study that Nixon commissioned was the only one I know of and that one has been proven wrong.

  11. This is just flat out wrong....."BrO"

    Just cause some people who smoke weed act retarded(not naming names) does mean we all do. I have been enjoying cannabis for 6 years now and have never come across the effects you listed.
    I am still continuing my college education and still continue to receive above average grades, you simply have to apply yourself.

    By all means if you feel "dumb" then maybe you should consider quitting. Or just wake up!
  12. If you think weed gives you brain damage your an idiot. Misinformation is any governments weapon.

    If you think your not as mentally active as you used to be, maybe it's because you havent deeply analyzed anything since you started getting high. If that is not the case give it another week and youll be sweet
  13. Weed affects short term memory, since scientists don't understand 100% of the brains cognitive processes they do not know how exactly it affects thought, but usage has been proven to drop scores on every intelligence test. That being said once MJ is out of your system completely, about a month or so, you'll be right as rain.

    I like to take t-breaks after every zip or so, otherwise I get kind of dopey which is not a good look.
  14. Bro...

    Heavy Marijuana Use Doesn't Damage Brain

    Analysis of Studies Finds Little Effect From Long-Term Use

    WebMD Health News

    July 1, 2003 -- Long-term and even daily marijuana use doesn't appear to cause permanent brain damage, adding to evidence that it can be a safe and effective treatment for a wide range of diseases, say researchers.

    Heavy Marijuana Use Doesn't Damage Brain


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