Deep Into the Soul

Discussion in 'Religion, Beliefs and Spirituality' started by TokinBasements, Mar 8, 2013.

  1. #1 TokinBasements, Mar 8, 2013
    Last edited by a moderator: Mar 10, 2013
    A Theory on Life


    Alright. This might not have to be about a certain "God", but the general idea is outstandingly amazing.

    What if the universe is a conscious "thing".

    What if Newton didn't only refer to gravity? What if the universe has an ultimate consciousness, everything is balancing, slowly. To every positive, there will always be a negative. That can be correlated to any daily action, there are always consequences, there is always an outcome.

    Life is built around routine. We live in a never-ending cycle.
    Imagine one living soul. There is only one living soul, living in a loop where Time does not exist in. Time exists only in the conscious mind (notice how we are not conscious of time in our sleep). You are born in order to experience, in order to grow, in order to learn and in order to understand.

    Each person you meet is you, in a different "life" - as some might call it, all living in the same Time, since Time does not exist. You might feel like you know this person - truly understand him - even though you can never know if you share the same emotions, if what he conveys is defined by him in the same way you would define it. Even so, you understand him. Why is this?

    Extending the theory from the story read above ^, what if empathy, sympathy, so on and so forth, are only a past (however you'd like to call it) memory of your soul. You empathize because you truly do understand his position.

    You are everything and everyone you hurt. The Universe (referring to Isaac Newton) might balance your bad behavior in an after life (a life where you are the one being hurt). As the story pictures it, "You are hitler and you are the six million Jews he murdered".

    You live to experience, to become a "Whole" soul, to live every aspect of life, to mature. All the joys, the hardships, the pain and the love, are all part of a routine. A routine where the final aim is to become whole. Whole with yourself.

    Excuse me if I've made some spelling/grammar mistakes, I am super baked right now :)

    There is much more to this theory, discuss.
  2. Not exactly my cup of tea, but to each his own. :wave:
  3. Well, I see that each person we know is more like a reflection of us, than another version of us, because we easily see in them what is already inside us. So what they do, how they are, will be recognised by us depending on how we see things. One person's 'out there' is really another person's 'in here'.
  4. #4 l James l, Mar 9, 2013
    Last edited by a moderator: Mar 9, 2013
    I am so depressed right now i am ready to die.

    Nice theory though I like the idea but everyone handles things differently.

    I don't understand how you can love somebody so much and they love you but then don't and now I'm alone and confused and mind fucked.
  5. #5 esseff, Mar 9, 2013
    Last edited by a moderator: Mar 9, 2013
    One of the fundamental laws of the Universe is:

    Everything always changes.

    You love someone and they love you, but as you grow and change, who you are becomes someone different and who they are becomes not only someone different, but our own difference affects the way we see them as well. How can we expect someone to always love us when we are no longer the same person?

    Sounds like you're going through something here. Perhaps even something unexpected. Makes it harder to deal with and difficult to understand. But everything new can be hard to deal with and difficult to understand. Fortunately, it will become easier to understand and accept in time. Suffering and confusion leads to knowledge of self and wisdom (eventually).
  6. You need to relax dude. Things will get better.
  7. I feel weightless almost like I have the spins but I am sober.

    What I feel is the worst I have ever felt in my life.

    I understand how things/people change and it helps me feel better about that but I have always had a problem liking who I am and accepting myself. That's why not having her love is destroying me.

    It's been a month since and I'm finally breaking down hard. Idk what to do with myself.

    My ex made me feel appreciated and loved but now I feel forsaken and disliked by all.
  8. #8 esseff, Mar 9, 2013
    Last edited by a moderator: Mar 9, 2013
    Perhaps not accepting yourself helped this happen.

    You say 'I have always had a problem liking who I am and accepting myself'

    Who is the 'I' that has a problem with yourself? Are there two of you? You're saying that some part of you can't accept you as you. Who can this be? So if you can't accept yourself as you are first, who will? The question is why can't you?

    See the 'I' and feel the self, and know that this is a thought form, a belief, a construct, that creates this sense of separateness. There is no division. There is no 'I' and 'me'. You are one. Who you are is a unique individual. A part of all that is. You may not realise it, but all that is could not be all that is without you.

    Yeh, that's not easy. Keep yourself busy. Exercise. Avoid alcohol if you can. Do things for others. Go for walks in the countryside. Take a little cannabis while sitting in nature and feel yourself as present there as you can. Nothing exists but each moment you are in. Find moments that excite you, inspire you. Follow your passions. These feelings you have about this will pass.

    Find new people to be around. Join a club. A team. A sport. Some group of people who have no idea who you are so you can be who you really are with them.
  9. Thank You so much. I may need some help but I hate prescriptions drugs and talking to people about depression. It scares me. I just want that feeling of hugging my baby tyga and feeling accepted. What hurts a lot is she said she fell in love with a fake James. I am in so much mental pain.
  10. Was she right?
  11. I don't know how to look at it. The reason I feel she would say that Is because I smoked pot the whole time and lost myself. I always thought of myself as a skateboarder but that is coming to an end. I honestly don't know who i am I guess. I'm just a kid who likes to get fucked up.
  12. Cannabis is very good at what it does, but too much of a good thing can be bad. Perhaps a better balance between using and not using might be better in the long run. We all have to learn one way or another.
  13. Yea your right I just can't accept how it made me break the heart of such a beautiful loving girl that I saved from a dark cold heartless world.
  14. If you're in a state of altered consciousness most of the time, and she isn't, what you see and what she sees will be different. Neither of you will notice the difference. Many assumptions will simply go unchallenged.

    You clearly have some soul-searching to do, but don't be too hard on yourself. We all change. We all do things we believe could have been done differently. Thing is, there aren't any mistakes, not really. You were always going to do what you did, be who you were. What matters is that you learn from it. Might not make things easier right now. But that's alright. Nothing should be able to do that. This is a process. What is it they say:

    No pain no gain?

  15. This is what I love about non-belief, everyone has a different opinion and lives by a different reality than the next person, and that's awesome.

    However I completely disagree with your theory. This might be a bit depressing but the way I see it we're no different than any other animal. Our lives are not worth more than a bird's or a cat's. We only perceive ourselves as the bee's knees because... well, we're in the center of our own lives, duh.

    To me the meaning of life is very simple; survive and reproduce. The only reason we're here is because everyone before us survived and reproduced. All creatures on earth have two objectives; survive and reproduce. Why would it be any different for us hoomans? Sure we have dreams, aspirations, love, memories etc. but that's just gravy, shit we entertain ourselves with since we've reached the top of the food chain and have become bored. But when danger arises we either fight or flee whether we have time to think or not - survival instincts.

    So yeah, that's my depressing truth. Your life has no meaning, no predetermined path, no faith directs you anywhere and you have no soul.
  16. This is some fuckery I'll tell my kids if I ever catch them bullying someone. Thanks pal
  17. The term gravity taken out of context, mixed with a notion of consciousness and then applied to hypothetical everyday life experiences = meaning of life ? It may for you but you dont sound very convinced. :D
  18. that is definately true, it is a fact we need to survive and reproduce. it is the basis of life. but who is to say there isnt more? we are definately more advanced than all other animals. but you dont know what we are advancing towards, there may never be an end to the advancing. maslows hierarchy of needs states food, water, sleep, and sex are our most basic needs, next is safety, family, health. then friendship, family, sexual intimacy. there is always a next step, but you cant skip any steps. we may still only be at a primitive, basic step in our existance.

    i for one believe there is more to this world than meets the eye. i also believe it is definately a fact that i am the same as every other individual(for many reasons), we are only unique in our seperate personalities. we share the same need for happyness, the want to avoid sadness. so once my survival and sexual reproduction are taken care of, i feel the need to help my family survive, then my friends survive, then my community. but i cannot help my community until i myself am safe and capable of being independent.

    what i am getting at is you understand less than 1% of the universe. what is unknown is far more vast than the known. a dog thinks to eat and have sex, then it will pay if time allows. humans are very similar. but now we feel to need to make things more efficient, to make things more comfortable and more complicated. once we are done with this step of "conquering the earth" which is very primitive, i think we will move to a step of conquering ourselves, our desires, lusts, insecurities. this will be a very spiritual step. one that many people have started.

    so in the end, there may be no point to life. in that case, wouldnt the point be to enjoy it? and after that, help the people you care about enjoy it, then help your fellow man survive and enjoy it.

    makes sense to me, it may not to you, but seeing as you seem to appreciate others different reality, feel free to disagree:D
  19. For a long time, I would have had to agree with you completely. I might have not explained myself in such a good way, even so I do not believe that the life of a human is more important than the life of an animal.

    After a long time of searching in many different aspects of life, I seem to have learned that we should stop and learn. Learn from nature. Many times, I seem to see specific animal traits in certain people, wether it be facial resemblance or behavioral. I might be a lunatic, crazy in the coconut, but I truly do believe there is some sort of connectedness. Some sort of learning process that expands beyond a human's life, expands into different lives.

    And yeah, the REASON we are living is due to evolution, due to survival and change, that doesn't mean that the MEANING should/will change.

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