Decriminalization better than legalization?

Discussion in 'General' started by nugsofgnar, Aug 4, 2012.

  1. I was thinking it over and I really believe it should just be decriminalized. Good reasons why?
    1. If legalized, your favorite dealer will be out of a job, and crusty ass DEA workers will be growing Schwag for the same price as Blue Dream.:eek:
    2. If decriminalized, you can buy from you broski without the government fucking up shit. :smoke:
    Think about it!
  2. Good second point. I don't agree with your first because weed will be great and either the same price or less. But I couldn't agree more with your second, so it doesn't matter. Broke a 2 week tolerance today, so please excuse all of this if you can't follow.

    But yes, it's a hobby. They shouldn't make it illegal to grow or personal and sale uses. It can help you out so more. But stores will most likely open up basically be legal med. dispensaries/coffee-shop styles, and within 60 years it will most likely be ruled by giant corporations. Corporations. Sounds wrong.
  3. Good second point. I don't agree with your first because weed will be great and either the same price or less. But I couldn't agree more with your second, so it doesn't matter. Broke a 2 week tolerance today, so please excuse all of this if you can't follow.

    But yes, it's a hobby. They shouldn't make it illegal to grow or personal and sale uses. It can help you out so more. But stores will most likely open up basically be legal med. dispensaries/coffee-shop styles, and within 60 years it will most likely be ruled by giant corporations. Corporations. Sounds wrong.
  4. You are misinformed op.

    First of all prices will plummet. You'll never be paying what you pay today even if they tax the shit out of it.

    Cannabis is cheap and easy to grow. Who gives a damn about the dealer that's ripping you off? $10 a gram for headies? Gtfo it doesn't cost a tenth of that to grow.

    Legalization means you can grow your own. That should put an end to the "what if they do this, what if they do that to my weed" people.

    Don't like one places shit? Don't buy it go somewhere else, or grow your own!

    You people that think like this seem to believe as soon as it's legal the only people selling it will be the government. Yeah.. I don't think so.
  5. I would like to see it legalized :smoking:
  6. #7 1badbruce, Aug 4, 2012
    Last edited by a moderator: Aug 4, 2012
    When you legalize weed the government gets involved. The government will do for weed exactly what they've done for booze, tax the crap out of it. If you think legalization is going to make weed cheaper, think again.
    Who going to grow legal weed? Who else but the tobacco companies. I can foresee them doing the same thing with weed that they did for tobacco. Loaded tobacco up with so many cancer causing chemicals just to make it more addicting.
    Don't think that the government will let the mom & pop growers stay in the picture because they won't. They'll force them out in favor of the big corporate growers just the way they're forcing the small food grower out of business with congressional mandates on food saftey in favor of big agribusiness.

    Decriminalization on the other hand will keep the government out of the picture.
    If you don't like the criminal element in the weed marketplace stop buying from dealers.
    Grow your own.
    The government gets more intrusive every year into people's lives, especially business people. It's gotten to the point of being ridiculous.
    I'd like to keep the government out of my bag of weed, thank you very much:D

  7. So do something that will get you in more trouble with the law, if you don't like having to buy from a dealer?:confused_2:
  8. I think decriminalization is fucked up, why should I pay a fine for smoking weed?

    Legalize it completely.
  9. The government isnt going to start growing weed just because its legal... You are extremely misinformed. Youll be able to by it from reputable business men.
  10. Decriminalization means a small fine occasionally when you get caught.
    Taxazation on the other hand means it costs you everytime you purchase for the rest of your life..
    If you think legalization is such a good thing then vote for it. I guarantee you by the time your my age you'll realize that more government intrusion into your life isn't a good thing. It only means less freedom.
  11. If you reread my post you'll see my guess was that tobacco companies would grow weed.
    And I'm not misinformed weed will be sold in much the same way liquor is sold today.

  12. They would tax it, but it would still be cheaper because youd be buying it legally. The reason weed is so expensive is because of the criminal element. Thats why weed is cheaper in medical states, because they have less strict laws against it.
  13. So your solution is to take it from one set of criminals & give it to another?:rolleyes:
  14. Why would people still buy weed if it was legalized? I'd be growing my own immediately.

  15. Youre wrong. Look at amsterdam, its legal there and its sold in coffee shops. Even if tobacco companies grow it they wont be the only people producing it.
  16. #17 Window Frame, Aug 4, 2012
    Last edited by a moderator: Aug 4, 2012
    In most area where any drug is de-criminalized there are still stiff forms of punishment for growers/manufactuares of the drug. They could make it legal to posess an ounce but make it illegal to grow even a single plant. In that situation the police can still harrass those who are only users with tickets. And there is still organized crime because someone needs to grow and transport the large illegal amounts.

    The goverment would not grow weed in a legalized enviroment. We are capitalist. Our goverment doesn't even own oil resources, does not have anything to do with the production of vital drugs needed by sick people, and right now most in the country are extremley opposed to universal healthcare.

    What makes you think people would put up with the goverment spending taxpayer money to grow weed.... When we have a strong history of letting private companies control our medicine and neccisary mineral resources? Do you realise how ass backwards it is for a country our size to buy oil from Saudia Arabia and have our anti-biotics grown by big pharma companies in South America?

    Also I could care less if my drug dealer went out of buisness. He has been charging me 1000-2000% of what the product is actually worth for the past few years. Pay 40-50 dollars for 3.5 grams or pay the more realistic price of 3-5$ taxes included.... I'll go with the second option. Plus i'll be funding my local goverment by smoking marijuana which will make me feel patriotic.

    Edit: If weed was legalized I wouldn't care about who grew it. Everyone I know would probably be growing. People who don't even smoke but know horticulture would start growing until the illegal markets prices stopped making it so profitable.
  17. Weed is the price that weed is because of the law of supply & demand. Ten years ago when weed first became legal in Ca. growers were getting more per pound than there are now.
    Have you ever seen the government lower the price on anything? In fact the cost of goods go up year after year and one reason is the addition of more government regulations year after year on business..
    zerobamas energies policies are a perfect example, the cost of gas has doubled & electricity rates are going to go way up because of addional regulation causing since his inaguration 275 coal plants to shut down in this country.

  18. And I'm sure that local, state & federal governments will be as careful with your furture tax dollars as they are being now.:rolleyes:
  19. #20 1badbruce, Aug 4, 2012
    Last edited by a moderator: Aug 4, 2012

    Amsterdam is not America & you can't compare the two. Why would the government allow weed to be sold in coffee shops when America already has businesses already in place to sell taxed sin goods, liquor & tobacco?
    How many people in this country produce tobacco & alcohol for sale? Other than big business? You don't because there are none. The government has run them out of business in favor of big business.

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