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Decent pickup?

Discussion in 'Apprentice Marijuana Consumption' started by Cobalt_, Jan 16, 2010.

  1. Hey guys, sorry about the terrible quality, I only have my iPhone :(

    It was $85 for a 1/4th.

    Attached Files:

  2. 85 for a quarter of dank isn't bad, but that does not look like 7 grams, at all.
  3. looks dense, lovin the colour :) I never get "funky" looking buds around here. how do they smoke?
  4. Amazing man, smoked just a bowl and it has me blown.
  5. $85 is a fairly good price for a 1/4 of dank. Also looks very very nice, i'm sure the iphone pics dont do it nearly enough justice :(
  6. Yeah not even, has light purple running through most of the centers. Oh and smells like heaven :)
  7. Does that look like a quarter to you guys...?
    It looks more like 30 or an eighth..
  8. Havnt weighed it but looks like a 1/4th to
  9. You might want to weigh that, doesn't look like a quarter.
  10. Yeah man I'd definitely get it weighed, to me it looks like 5-6g tops

    definitely some dank buds though!
  11. Just weighed in at 7.03 grams
  12. I thought it looked like a quarter. I can tell it is some dense ass beasters
  13. If it's quality pot that's weighed to 7.0 and you live outside the emerald triangle, then 85 bucks sounds like a pretty decent deal.
  14. Great pickup if you ask me :)

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