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Discussion in 'Weed Edibles' started by Daybreak1, Aug 19, 2017.

  1. #1 Daybreak1, Aug 19, 2017
    Last edited: Sep 16, 2017
  2. 240 F for 40 min might be a more widely accepted decarb.

    You need not cure for edibles, but herb must be mostly dried to get accurate decarb.

    You can PROBABLY put the herb straight into the oven.
    But the first part of decarb will be at around 212 F until all the water boils out of the herb.
    If that took 2 minutes out of 40, then it's ok, but 20 minutes out of 40 probably isn't. Air decarb @ 212 F is about 2 hours instead of 40 min, so there will be under-decarbing until the water's all gone.

    I don't know how long it takes for an oven set to 240 F to get most of the water out, but I've been afraid to try. Typical dried/cured herb is about 1/5 of its original weight. A food dehydrator set to around 100 F for 10 hours can dry the herb, and then it's safe to decarb. I've done this to make edibles, and they are excellent.

    Quicker, without a food dehydrator, might be to set some herb in a pan on a hot plate to get it temp up to 120 F or so, and blow a fan directly on it for a few hours until it appears to be dry enough for an oven to boil off the water in just a few minutes, so that decarb isn't screwed up.

    This won't work for smoking, because some curing is needed.
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  3. #3 Daybreak1, Aug 19, 2017
    Last edited: Sep 16, 2017
  4. I wouldn't work so hard.

    After decarb, all you need do is grind the herb to powder, mix into the oil of any recipe, and bake. Brownie or cookie mixes work well. Absolutely no thc-degrading heat infusion needed.

    Even simpler is to just add the ground decarbed herb to nut butter or nutella, and use. The nutella mix is the strongest thing I make, and I've tried dozens of recipes. Cookies and brownies come out slightly weaker, because after optimal decarb of 240 F for 40 minutes, the herb is as potent as it will ever be, and additional heat slowly degrades thc.

    Your under-decarb (220 F requires slightly more than 1 hour for full decarb) might get compensated for by the baking process, but maybe not, because decarb in oil inside baked goods of various sizes is unpredictable.
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  5. #5 Daybreak1, Aug 19, 2017
    Last edited: Sep 16, 2017
  6. Baked goods do not reach the temperature of the oven internally. You know how you'll cook, as an example, Costco prepared mac and cheese. I cook for 60 minutes and the internal temp only reaches 165F. So cookies and brownies baked for less time will not get that hot internally.
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  7. #7 Daybreak1, Aug 19, 2017
    Last edited: Sep 16, 2017
  8. While it is true that internal temperatures don't reach the oven setting temperature for quite a while, the outside layers of brownies will come very close to the oven temp setting, and those layers do contain thc that will get over-decarbed. What we don't really know is what fraction of the thc gets destroyed, but most reports seem to indicate that it's a small percentage. THC degradation is likely slowed down by the recipe's oil. I've made no-heat oily edibles and compared them to small oily cookies baked at 325 F for 8 min, and the cookies are almost as strong, but have slightly different effects.

    My wild guess is that a typical baked good loses about 10% of its thc during baking.
  9. #9 Daybreak1, Aug 20, 2017
    Last edited: Sep 16, 2017
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  10. #10 Daybreak1, Aug 20, 2017
    Last edited: Sep 16, 2017
  11. #11 Daybreak1, Sep 4, 2017
    Last edited: Sep 16, 2017

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