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Decarb temp accuracy

Discussion in 'Weed Edibles' started by bud&booty, Jul 26, 2017.

  1. Hey guys, so I know when decarbing bud it's important to have the temperature of your oven accurate. I have an oven thermometer to check, and it seems like the oven may be off by about 5 degrees (at 245F instead of 240F). I was wondering how much of a difference this will make? Can I adjust for it by taking the bud out of the oven a minute or two early or should I leave it be?

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  2. Might be more like a 3 degree difference (so 243 instead of 240)

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  3. You're lucky. Mine's off by 15 F or more. A few degrees won't make too much difference, but 10 degrees might.
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  4. Anything from 240-250° will work just fine. No problem. :)
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    • Agree Agree x 1
  5. Listen to Sam he wrote the book LOL
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  6. Let her roll, ovens by design heat then cool slightly mine varies from 240-245 never has affected the quality of my finished product...
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